Part 36

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"Woah..." I breathe, staring up into the huge mall bustling with people. "This is completely different from online shopping!"

"That's why I wanted you to come," Kazuki reminds me and I sigh, smiling.

As we walk, our entourage grows from no girls to a few secretly following us, the number growing every minute. Kazuki pulls his black hat down, looking uncomfortable.

"I don't think that hat's doing a very good job of covering your face," I reluctantly inform him.

"I..." he sighs, letting go of the brim. "I know, but it's the best I can do without looking creepy."

"Why not wear a mask?" I suggest.

He shakes his head. "It just makes me stand out more. People follow me thinking I'm a celebrity."

Ah, I can imagine that. I guess it's just hard for hot guys to hide themselves, no matter where they go or what they wear. It's like Kazuki has an aura around him that just attracts girls. I almost start to feel jealous, but one look at our groupies reminds me how difficult it must be for him to just live a normal life like he wants.

Come to think of it, why does Kazuki hate being popular so much? Almost everyone I know would kill to be as cute as he is, except for me, I guess. It probably has something to do with why he moved out here all by himself for high school. What must've his life been like for him to do that though? Bad family? Bad friends? Bad overall life? Whatever it was, I feel bad for him.

"Hm?" He glances down at me and I realize I've been staring at his stupid pretty face like one of the girls.

Frantic to avoid that conversation, I run ahead and point to the nearest store, which just happens to be an anime store, calling, "How bout this one?"

He catches up to me, frowning. "That is an anime store, Mori."

"T-They have clothes there!"

"No." He stalks off into the mall and I'm forced to run after him to not be left behind.

We stop in only a few stores, but each one has more clothes than could last an average person's lifespan. Of course, I spot all the sushi and anime related shirts and jackets, but Kazuki pulls me away before I can even look at them. After store number four and a full bag of clothes for each of us I'm exhausted, and even Kazuki looks a little tired.

I stare into my bag, still in shock. "I actually bought non-game, anime or sushi related clothes."

He raises an eyebrow. "Is that such a feat?"

"It is for me."

He checks the time, then looks around. "I think we've gotten enough. Do you want to get lunch somewhere?"

I nod. "Can you check what they have? I'm going to the bathroom."

He reaches out and I hand him my bag, then start off toward where I saw a sign for the bathrooms. Unfortunately, the boy's has a line five people long in front of it. I sigh and idle at the back, waiting my turn. After a few minutes I'm done, hands washed, and start back to where Kazuki is.

As I come into view of him I immediately notice something's wrong. He's panting, sweat dripping down his face and soaking the collar of his white shirt. Around him, at least ten girls have gathered, watching him wait and whispering to each other.

I hasten my pace, but before I can reach him two of the girls break off from the pack and run up to him. He flinches, backing away, but they crowd up to him and, encouraged by their rival's actions, the other girls start crowding in as well. Kazuki's eyes meet mine through the crowd and send one single panicked message:


"Hey!" I yell as I reach the crowd, and the girls turn to me, annoyed. "What are you doing? Can't you see he's uncomfortable?"

"Screw off, creep," the first girl to approach snaps like I'm a rival lion animal to steal her prey which, hey, I kinda am. "This is none of your business."

"Actually, it really is." I confidently start through the crowd toward Kazuki and the girls nervously back out of my way.

"What? Are you his friend or something?" The last two girls don't move, forcing me to stop. It's a wonder the others moved at all, since I'm actually not going to do anything to them.

"T-That's right," I stammer, my wave of confidence already fading.

"Oh." She beams at me forcefully. "Sorry, I didn't realize. But we're not doing anything! We just want to talk to him!"

"Well he doesn't want to talk to you." I try to walk around them but the other one moves to block my path, smiling like I'm a cockroach she really wants to step on.

"How do you know that?" The first girl challenges. Kazuki still hasn't said anything, which worries me. But his eyes are locked onto mine, watching my every move and filling me with a new wave of confidence. Screw being discrete. My friend is scared and needs my help, and even though I don't fully understand what's going on with him, I have to offer it, no matter what.

"Because I'm his boyfriend."

I feel every pair of eyes lock onto me, my face heating to a million degrees with that lie. Using their surprise to my advantage, I push them aside and grab Kazuki's hand, pulling him away from the girls. After a stumbling second, he catches his feet and I let him walk on his own.

Once we're out of sight of the girls I drop his hand, face bright red. "I'm so sorry—"

"It's fine."

I lift my gaze slightly and I see him looking the other way, his eyes half glazed over.

Is he mad? "I didn't mean to...It just slipped out...Please know we're just friends."

"I know. Thanks, Mori." He takes a deep breath, then meets my eyes. "I found a good restaurant, if you're still up for lunch."

That wasn't quite the reaction I was expecting. In fact, it's barely a reaction at all. But I guess if he wants to brush it off like nothing happened, then I'll do the same. In fact, this is good. This means he really thinks of me as his friend. And it's not like it hurts. I'm sure that the pain in my chest is just hunger.

"Yeah. Lunch sounds good."

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