Part 57

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"I wonder what we should get for dinner," I hum to myself as we turn onto my street. "Oh course, I could cook dinner for you," I add to Kiki, who laughs.

"Still treating me like trash, huh, Haru?" He runs up the street ahead of me and spins around, arms out. "But I had fun today. Thanks for spending it with me. I'll make sure to come up with new plans for you, so look forward to them, 'kay?"

"Yeah, yeah," I sigh, brushing the hair out of my face. "I hope you know none of them are gonna work."

He laughs again, then runs up and pulls me into a hug, pressing our bodies together, and before I can even react, kisses me lightly on the cheek.

My knee-jerk reaction this time happens to be an actual knee jerk, and he yells in pain, letting go and hopping back, covering his crotch.

"What was that for!? Haru, you meanie!"

"That was for just now," I growl. "And soon I'll extract my revenge for today, so watch the hell out." I shake out my hands, feeling goosebumps spring up on my arms. I feel strangely violated, even though it was just a kiss on the cheek. At least this demon didn't take my first kiss. I can't even imagine the pain I'd have to smite upon him in revenge for that.

A crash breaks me from my violent thoughts and I whip around to see Junta running full speed at Kiki, his handsome expression twisted in anger.

"What are you doing to Haru?" he cries, tackling Kiki and holding him to the ground.

"Wait!" the boy yelps. "I'm his cousin! You know my sister, Kiki! I'm Koi, her brother—OW! OW! Haru, tell him!"

"Hmmm..." I observe the view in front of me. Maybe Junta can smite him for me, if this continues. No, I feel bad making him do my dirty work, and besides, if he learns he beat up an innocent person he'll never forgive himself. Fine, fine. I'll play the good cop. "He's telling the truth, Junta. You can let him up."

"O-Oh..." The tall boy awkwardly untangles himself from Kiki, who glares at me.

"Why'd it take you so long to say that? I was being killed over here!"

I resist the urge to tell him how much I would've liked that, what with Junta being here and all.

"S-Sorry, Koi," Junta tries, extending a hand. Kiki takes it, returning to his usual grin in a split second. "I guess I just don't know the dynamic you and Haru have."

"Oh, it's fine!" Kiki laughs, batting him on the shoulder. "We were just on a mock date, and I thought I should end it with a kiss."

"And Haru kneed you in the crotch...why?" he wonders, looking to me for answers.

"Play back his sentence one more time and tell me if that sounds like me at all," I grumble. "But we're fine. Koi was just leaving anyway, right?" I direct forcefully at him. He laughs.

"Yep! I'll let you two talk!" He starts off speedily down the street.

"You aren't staying for dinner...?" Junta trails off as he disappears around the corner before turning to me with a worried expression. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Let's get home," I mutter, starting up the street. "I have to vent."

He smiles kindly, as usual. "I'll be here to listen, then."

Romantic Killer But I Made It GayWhere stories live. Discover now