Part 94

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"Haru!" my mother cries, throwing open the door and running in, leaving her baggage outside.

"Mom." I smile, putting my arms out, and she rushes into them, wrapping her own around me. I've never been bothered by family members hugging me, since that always means warmth and safety from the outside world. I can remember every way she moves, every way she talks, the way her smile is infectious.

I didn't realize how much I missed her.

"You poor thing," she coos, pinching my cheek gently. "You must've been so scared. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you."

I shake my head. "I'm okay, really. You're here now, so it doesn't matter."

Tsukasa walks into the entranceway, awkwardly looking every way but my mother's eyes.

"Oh!" she gasps, letting go of me and rushing over to shake his hand. "You must be Kazuki! Thank you so much for taking care of my son. I know he can be a handful."

"I'm right here," I remind her blandly."Anyways, Tsukasa's mom is in the living room. I'm sure she wants to meet you."

"Oh, right!" She hurries past Tsukasa and I can hear happy motherly chatter coming from the other room.

"Sorry, she can be a bit much," I laugh awkwardly.

He shakes his head. "No, she's nice. I see where you get a lot of your traits from."

I flush, not sure how to reply. Not wanting it to be awkward, I follow my mother into the living room and Tsukasa comes after me.

"Oh, Haru, do you think your wound's going to scar?" my mother worries, already seated on the couch next to Arisa, like she's completely moved in again. "How are we supposed to marry you off if you're scarred?"

I sigh tiredly. "I hope you're kidding."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Arisa assures her, smiling at the orange haired boy behind me. "Tsukasa will take care of him. Haru already proposed!"

"Wha—?" I feel my cheeks heat and a sideways glance at Tsukasa tells me he's just as embarrassed. "When? What are you talking about?"

"You said, "I'm not going to leave his side!"" she repeats happily. "It was beautiful."

"Oh! How romantic!" Tsukasa's mother cries, cupping a hand to her cheek.

"Haru, you're serious about this boy, aren't—"

"We're friends," I interrupt my mother angrily. "I was protecting a friend from a crazed stalker. Of course I'd say I'll stay by his side!"

She laughs, obviously not listening to a word I'm saying. "How nice..."

"Anyway," Arisa changes the subject as Tsukasa and I seat ourselves, along with Tsukasa's mom. "What will Kishi's punishment be?"

"I don't know," the orange haired woman worries. "What she did was awful. I'm sure she'll have to face repercussions for it."

"Wait, what kind of repercussions?" I interrupt.

"Well, it's...complicated," my mother sighs.

"How? Can't we just—" I pause. What do I even want? I don't know that much about our justice system.

"Haru..." Tsukasa sighs, not sure what to say either.

"I just..." I glare at the table, as if it holds all of life's answers. "I just want her to go through as much pain as she put Tsukasa through. I know you can't answer pain with more pain but...but it's not fair."

"I know, sweetheart," my mother sighs sadly. "We'll try to get the best outcome we can, but you'll have to trust us, okay?"

I nod, glancing at Tsukasa. "As long as she stays away from him...I guess that's good enough for me."

We talk for a few more minutes, then disperse to our separate corners of the house. I open my door, close it behind me, and settle down on my bed, staring at the opposite wall. So much has happened, I haven't had time to just take it all in. My feelings toward my friends, Tsukasa's situation, how I acted toward his father, wherever Kiki is...Oh yeah, where is Kiki? I haven't seen it flying around since the incident with Kishi. It's been nice and quiet...too quiet.

I cover my mouth thoughtfully, leaning forward on my knee. Do I miss that little egg, with all the trouble it's caused me? No, there's no way. Although, it is the reason I met Tsukasa and Junta, which I'm...grateful for. But that doesn't mean I miss the little—

"Haru! You missed me?"

"Gah—" I jump as Kiki appears in a puff of yellow smoke, twirling around in the air. "Why are you here?"

"It felt like you called for me!" it sighs happily.  "You must've hated not seeing me!"

"Who in their right mind would miss you?" I growl, annoyed at how it seems to be reading my thoughts.

"Oh? Then perhaps you missed..." It waves its wand and in another puff, Koi is standing in front of me, grinning. "This form?"

I sigh, not impressed. "Don't make me repeat myself. "

"Aww," he coos, putting a hand to his cheek. "You're so cruel. And after I solved all your problems too! You should be thanking me!"

"Thanking you for what?" I snap, crossing my arms. "You didn't do anything when I was in real danger. But I guess you don't have to worry about my love life when I'm dead, right?"

He frowns, genuinely sad this time. "You dirtied my wand, meaning I couldn't use magic. I wanted to help you, but I couldn't. I'm sorry."

He actually looks like he means it, which is weirding me out. I never thought I'd believe a word this egg says, but...he was there, too, when I was hurt. I guess he was trying his best...No. I'm not feeling any sympathy for the creature that took away my three favorite things.

"So? Why're you here?"

"I'm here to see you. Since I've taken care of all your worries, I hope you can stay exactly the way you are."

I raise an eyebrow. "I thought you wanted me to change; stop sending mixed..."

He leans in for a kiss on my forehead, putting a hand on my cheek. "I love—"

"Try a repeat of last time and I'll do the same," I growl threateningly.

"You'll kiss me back?" he guesses.

"I'll hit you where it hurts the most, you little shi—"

"Okay! Okay!" he laughs, jumping back. "I won't! I guess I want this to be a happy moment, not a painful one, anyway. So, Haru..." He bows, sweeping one hand out dramatically. "This is goodbye, I guess."

"What?" I feel a hole open in my chest and I jump to my feet. "What do you mean, goodbye? Where're you going?"

He smiles sadly, not answering as he disappears into a puff of yellow smoke.

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