Part 76

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"You think you're all that because you can talk to a cute girl?"

I don't respond. Usually that works, but they only seem angrier. One kicks me in the shin where it's already buried bruised and I yelp in pain, stumbling away from them while they laugh. My back hits the unforgiving cold of the school wall and I feel my heart sink.

There's no escape, just like always. Maybe I should just zone out; try to forget it somehow. No, that won't work either. Something really bad might happen if I'm not paying attention.

Really bad? Isn't this really bad? As their laughter grows I feel a surge of confidence and straighten.

"Emi is my friend."

"Ohoho, is she now? Hey, maybe you can set us up!" He leans on my shoulder with one arm so heavily I almost fall over.

I shudder for breath, the confidence already gone. The boy frowns, then grabs my ear and throws me to the ground with it. I feel hot blood trickle down the side of my face and sickness overcomes me. Maybe I should just blank out. I can tell the pain is intense and I really don't want to deal with that right now.

As my vision grows cloudy I hear a voice yell, "Hey! What are you guys doing?"

"Oh shit!" the boy mutters before he and his friends hurry off the other way. I sit up, my vision clearing and see Mori running toward me.

He's tall and well defined with a perfectly shaped face and gently styled black hair that somehow looks natural. His eyes are a warm amber. It's like he's everything I want to be, and only makes it worse how similar we look with our matching hair and names.

"Haru, are you alright?"

Oh, maybe that's why I hate him so much. It's that I'm jealous. Seriously? And here I thought I couldn't hate myself any more than I already do. That's such a pathetic reason.


"Huh?" I look at Mori, who's bent down to worry around me.

"God, your ear's bleeding," he sighs. "C'mon, let's go to the nurse's office."

"Why are you helping me?" I ask, taking the hand he offers and pulling myself to my feet. "I'm just your pathetic underclassman."

He doesn't let go of my hand and pulls me in the direction of the school. "You're way more than that, Haru. Oh, do you mind if I call you Haru? I thought it'd be confusing since were both have the same last name."

I nod wordlessly.

"For starters," he continues on, "you're one of my girlfriend's best friends. But you're also a really cool dude. I've seen you talking with Emi. You really know how to make her light up."

"I-I'm not interested in her or—"

"Oh, I know," he laughs lightly as we enter the school. "I'm not worried about you as a rival or anything. I just want us to be friends."

Friends. That's all he wants? And he went out of his way to help me. Maybe he really is a nice guy. He seems really friendly too. Can I really trust him?"

"Here we are." He opens the sliding door and pulls me in. "Hey! I've got an injured kid here!"

"Oh, really?" The nurse, a sweet young woman with bright red hair, gets to her feet and ushers me to a bed in the corner, hidden between the curtains of the other beds. Judging by how silent it is I'm guessing no one else is here, which makes sense considering school's been over for about half an hour.

"Is it okay if I linger?" Mori asks jokingly. "I'm kinda worried."

"Of course, sweetheart." She examines my ear with a troubled frown. "This looks pretty serious, Haru. How did you hurt yourself this time?"

My lip trembles as I search for any words, but nothing comes up. This is the third time I've come in with serious injuries. When I can manage to, I go hide in the shed or an abandoned clubroom and cry or just stare at the ground. My parents would think I'm skipping school to play video games, and I got many a stern lecture about that, but I'd rather that than they find out. I just don't want them to worry. I don't deserve that.

"He was just playing around with his guy friends," Mori lies with a straight face. "Y'know how roudy they can get; a joke went too far and he got hurt. Right, Haru?"

"Y-Yeah..." slips out before I can think. Why would he lie? To protect my reputation? What reputation? I decide not to think too hard about it. He's a good person; I'm sure he has his reasons.

The nurse doesn't look very convinced, but she nods and heads back to revive her medical supplies. A couple paddings, bandaids and pains later she deduces she's done all she can. "You get that checked out by a doctor, okay?"

"O-Okay. Thank you."

She smiles gently. "You can tell me what's going on, okay, Haru?"

I nod and she leaves. Mori and I stand or sit in awkward silence until he finally asks, "What's it like? Being gay, I mean?"

The word triggers my eyes to burn. I feel too vulnerable right now. I wish Emi would open that door and tell him I don't feel like answering that question, but she doesn't. She's already gone home, I bet. Sounds nice.

"Haru? You space out or something?"

"S-Sorry," I mutter, looking away.

"It's cool. You don't have to answer that, by the way. I was just curious."


We return to silence for a few seconds until the nurse sticks her head through the curtain, making me jump.

"There's been an accident somewhere else, or so I'm told. You boys okay on your own for a bit?"

I look up to Mori, waiting for him to laugh and leave, but he just nods. "We'll be fine. Go on."

She smiles gratefully and her head disappears with the sound of heels clicking off down the hallway. The door closes after her with a click.

Mori settles down next to me on the bed, making it squeak. I want to inch away from him; he's a little too close for comfort, especially with me, who doesn't like contact. But I stay still, trying to act strong despite the pounding in the side of my head.

"I've got a favor to ask," he starts immediately.

"W-What?" I have a terrible feeling in my gut, like he's about to say the worst possible thing.

"You're close with Emi," he continues, smiling forcefully. "Could you convince her to do it with me?"

My heart drops but I manage to dredge up enough courage to whisper, "She's not ready for that. She-She's not even ready to hold hands with you. You know that."

His smile drops like a lead weight. "Yeah, no shit. That's why I'm asking you to do it. I'm sure coming from you it'd sound a lot more promising to her."

I shake my head. "I'm sorry."

"Jeez," he sighs, getting up. His hand twitches dangerously and I flinch. Notching that, he laughs. "Calm down, you little coward. I'd get in trouble if I hit you. So how about this?" he leans in, his breath hot on my cheek. "Convince Emi, and you get away scott free." He leans back, his kind smile returning. "Do me a favor, man. Please?"

Without waiting for my reply he brushes through the curtain and leaves the room. I stare after him, my eyes filling with unshed tears. I knew it.

I can't trust anyone.

Romantic Killer But I Made It GayWhere stories live. Discover now