Part 79

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After that, Mori was suspended for a month, and when he came back everyone knew what he'd done. No one blamed Emi, and after a while she stopped blaming herself too. In the great battle of the Moris, I came out the victor.

Looking at Emi, you'd never guess she went through that. She's always smiling and laughing, caring about everyone and everything. But I can see how she's changed. It's like she has an invisible wall up all the time, and she only lets it down once she knows she can trust people. A friend is great. A friend of a friend is fine. But after that, she's always inwardly wary of new people. She hides it pretty well, I must say, and I respect her for that.

"It's okay," I repeat. "If he comes near you again I'll kick his ass."

"Oh wow, my knight in shining...where's your armor, again?" Emi jokes blandly and I sigh.

"I'm serious. I have a score to settle with him too, you know."

Her joking attitude drops away again and she falls back on the bed. "Thanks, Haru."

"I told you, I'm doing this for myself too," I try to convince her. I feel awkward with her thanking me when I was such a pathetic wimp  back in elementary school, when she needed me the most.

She sits back up and shakes her head. "I know that. I just...if you hadn't told the school what was going on, I might've been stuck in that relationship. You really saved me. So thanks," she tips her head to the left, smiling gently. "For everything."

"Yeah." I let go of my awkwardness for a moment to smile back. "Thank you too."

We grin at each other for a few seconds before a huge yawn overtakes her.

"I'm gonna pass out," she says, spinning on the bed so her head is facing the pillow, then flops down. "G'night."

"You sure you're alright?" I worry and she groans.

"Of course I'm not. But I'll be okay, okay? So please don't worry."

This time I believe her and settle down onto my futon. "Okay."

As I drift off to sleep I hear her whisper, "I love you, Haru."

I smile into the darkness. "I love you too."

She sits back too and pulls on the light. "As a friend." I smile and she yelps, "As a friend, right?"

"Yes," I laugh, closing my eyes. "You do know I'm gay, right?"

Romantic Killer But I Made It GayWhere stories live. Discover now