Part 61

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"Whew." I flick on the light switch, trying not to slam the door behind me. Today was exhausting. The girls wouldn't give up on trying to get Junta and I together, and it took all my willpower not to just yell "it's a magic egg, not his actual feelings!" But I know what chaos that would cause—if that actually believed me, that is—and I didn't have the energy for that. Plus, who knows what Kiki might do if I told them? They might be annoying, but they're still my friends and I don't want to pull them into this mess.

"Haru! You're back!"

Speak of the devil. As female Kiki pops into existence with a poof of yellow smoke, I grab her shoulder and push her against the wall, not really thinking. I'm just so done with all her bull.

"Oh my, this is so sudden!" she squeals, closing her eyes happily. "You're ready to get physical, huh Haru?"

I groan and step back, flopping down on the bed instead and rolling onto my front.

"Haru? Did you K.O.?" she jokes as I hear her walk over and sit down next to me.

"The person you are trying to reach is out of energy," I grumble into the bed. "Please try again never."

She laughs. "I'm so excited for your reunion!"

I roll over and sit up, glaring at her. "You do realize you're not coming, right? Unless you manipulate all my childhood friends into believing you were part of my past, which I wouldn't put past you."

"Oh, silly, I can't manipulate people."

I stare at her. "What? Then what about Junta/Tonta? You definitely did something to him, to make him fall for me. I mean," I gesture to myself, "there's not a lot to fall for."

Kiki scoffs. "You really are thick headed, Haru. He's always liked you! It's just like I said, he realized his feelings for you when you came out to him, and he's liked you ever since! I only made your meeting happen faster than it would've."

I try not to notice the feelings that bring up. "What's supposed to mean?"

"An example, perhaps, might help."

I nod tiredly and she waves her wand, creating an illusion of a TV in front of us which starts playing a video of a slightly younger Junta.
"This is freshman Junta!" Kiki announces like he's watching a sports game. "Isn't he just the cutest thing?"

"Your point?"

"Fine, fine."

She fasts forward until the camera switches to me and my mom, chatting at the gate. Junta starts toward us but before he can call out I point toward the gate, pulling my mom away.

"I've gotta beat that new boss, mom!" Kiki impersonates me in her squeaky voice. "But it's a big occasion! Let's at least go out for lunch." "I can eat in my room. C'mon, let's go."

"Your impression is terrible," I inform her, but she pretends not to notice.

"Let's play another one!"

"Or let's not," I suggest, and she ignores me again.

This time it starts with Junta and his friends walking down the street, chatting. Then, for a split second, a blur of blue, gray and brown flashes across the screen. Junta looks back longingly after it passes. Kiki rewinds the video and pauses on the frame where the blur—me running home with ten video games in hand—is most clear.

"This one's even worse," she commentates, holding her wand like a microphone. "Since you didn't even notice they were there. You were just too obsessed with your games—now do you see why I confiscated them?"

"Because you're an ass," I shoot back and she sighs. "That wasn't even the point of showing me that."

"Actually, it was part of it. Since Junta was stuck with baseball and you were stuck with video games, the two of you were star crossed lovers! It was so damn boring, I cut to the chase and forced you to interact! And taking away your things was a part of that! You'll never even notice the good things passing you by when you're playing so many Otome games your brain is bound to collapse in on itself, eventually giving you a show and painful death!"

"Where'd that come from?" I yelp, a little worried. Had I really been that obsessed with games, so much I didn't even notice the people around me? Now that I think about it, yeah. Games had been my whole life, and I'd been happy with that. But now...I'm wondering if that's enough.

I shake the thoughts away. I can make the choice once I get them back. I kick Kiki off the bed, but she immediately pops off the floor, smiling.

"I'd rather you just leave me alone," I inform her curtly. "I'm sure my life would've gone in a romantic direction at some point...Right?"

She laughs loudly, hands on her hips. "Nope! Not according to the graphs."

"Graphs?" At this point I'm not even surprised when he pulls out of nowhere a sheet of paper, unfolds it and shows me a graph with a straight line on it. "Plus, why me? Why not—I don't know—Emi? She still doesn't have a boyfriend."

"But the boys love her. And the graphs don't lie," she adds, pulling out another paper, this time with an exponential graph on it.

I groan. "Please don't keep graphs on my friends. It's getting creepy."

She's right, though. I shouldn't compare my pathetic self to the lovable Emi. She's on a whole other level from me, always surrounded by handsome boys.

"Anyways, our program is meant to make your love life more interesting than your favorite things," Kiki explains slowly, like she's talking to a child. "And it's working."

My cheeks heat and I stomp to the sliding door that opens onto my patio, open it, and point outside. "Out."

"Aww, through the window?" she complains.
I stalk over to her, grab the hood of her purple hoodie and drag her onto the patio.

"You'll survive. Now get out before I crack you like the egg you are."

She shakes her head. "You wouldn't resort to violence. I know you."

"I will with someone who can heal, who I also happen to despise." I meet her gaze and hold it until she sighs.

"Alright, I get it. I know when I'm not wanted."

Before I can say I'm not so sure you do, she hops over the edge and disappears into the darkness, leaving me alone but happy about that.

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