Part 8

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"Are you okay?" Kazuki repeats, his hazel eyes not leaving mine. God, they're so beautiful. No! No, I can't be drawn in. Stay strong, Haru!

I try my best to look nonchalant while hiding from the rain in a cat's mouth in the middle of a children's playground. "I'm...fine."

"You're clearly not."

"Geh—" I don't know what to say to him. No way I can tell a guy like this I ran away from a little bug and now I'm trapped in the storm.

He squats down and asks, "Did you fight with your parents?"

I flush in embarrassment. "Not at all. I don't live with my parents."

An expression of surprise flashes across his calm expression, but quickly disappears.

"Well, waiting out in the rain, no matter the reason, can't be good. I've heard there's a pervert who lives around here and visits this park."

I look around worriedly, then quickly recover what's left of my cool. "Ahaha, I bet I could take him."

Kazuki frowns and I take that opportunity to rush out from under the cat, dodging the hand he tries to grab my arm with and starting toward my home.

"Wait!" he yells, the first time I've heard him yell since we met. But I don't stop running until a firm hand grips my wrist and he pulls me to a stop.

"What was that for?" I growl, finally turning to him. "You almost pulled my arm out of—"

The rain stops pounding on my head, replaced by a heavy pattering of the plastic umbrella Kazuki is holding over my head.

I feel my heart start to pound faster. Wow, he's handsome. No! I can't think that way, not until I get my parents back! But really, what's the harm in taking one measly umbrella?

Take it, return it, you become friends! Kiki's voice echoes through my mind. So that's its plan. No way. Not happening.

"Sorry." I pull my wrist out of his strong grip, and he lets me go. "I'm fine, okay? I can just go h—" The image of the roach leaping at my face flashes through my mind and I can't help but shudder. As long as that thing's there, I can't go home.

"Take it," he insists, still monotone. He pulls up my hand and pushes the umbrella into it, the rain falling into his shoulders and hair.
"You'll get soaked, man." I sigh. "Seriously, I don't need it! I broke your phone too; I really can't owe you any more favors!"

"I told you, that's fine." He starts to get annoyed, letting go of the umbrella, but I grab his hand and press it into his palm. His hands are soft and warm. I could keep holding them forever—No! Bad brain! I'll make him leave and then deal with the roach all on my own, like a man.

"You're spacing out," Kazuki informs me and I jump back to reality to realize we're still holding hands. I try to let go but he sighs and adjusts his grip, pulling us both under the umbrella.

"Why are you so stubborn? Come on, we're going to my house." He starts walking the opposite way and I have no choice but to be dragged along with him.

"What?" I squeak, very manly-y. "Why?"

"I have a spare umbrella I was going to throw away. You can have it so you'll stop insisting on getting soaked."

"I don't—"

"Listen, Mori," he sighs. "You said you don't want to owe me any more favors, right? So let me do this."

I sigh in defeat. There's nothing I can do against him when he says my name like that so I  trudge along behind him as we start into the street. But after a few seconds I become very conscious of the fact that he's still holding my hand to the umbrella handle, his grip so firm I can't pull away.

"Ah, your hand..." I murmur without realizing.

He stops, looking at me strangely. "What's wrong with my hand?"

I blush, stammering. Excuse! Excuse! Come on, brain!

"You're squeezing my hands so tight my fingers are gonna break off," I finally snap, feeling bad when his face falls.

"Oh." He flushes, letting go. I take the umbrella with my other hand and obviously stretch out my fingers. They don't hurt at all, but I wring it out for extra effect. "Sorry."

"D-Don't worry about it," I mutter offhandedly, shrugging.

"You hold it, then." And with that he starts walking off, the rain buffeting his whole body.

"Wait! You'll get soaked!" I run forward and raise it over both our heads, but that only makes me realize the height difference between us. Like every perfect guy, Kazuki is taller than most guys, which means he's much taller than me. I have to fully extend my arm to hold it above him, which he notices and carefully takes it, holding it over us. He's standing so close our shoulders almost touch and I feel my heart start to pound again.

"How's this?" he asks and I nod, scared my voice won't work if I try to use it. We start off, me having to speed walk to keep up with his long strides.

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