Part 30

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"You're not walking with your childhood friend today?" Kazuki asks, slipping on his shoes.

"Nope." I get to my feet and open the door, letting him go out first. "He's got morning practice. But is it okay for us to be walking together? I mean..."

"Why would anyone think anything of it?" he asks sarcastically. "We're just two guys who're friends, after all."

"R-Right." I close my mouth as we start off. Sometimes I forget not everyone knows about me, which is a good thing in cases like this. Why would anyone think anything of two guys walking to school together? Except Rena and her stalker friends, of course, but even they only thought I was using him.

I shudder at the thought of seeing them again. I didn't exactly diffuse the situation yesterday, since Kiki just popped in and scared them off.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh?" I glance up at him, then remember he saw the whole fiasco yesterday too. Well, no harm in being truthful. "Just...worried about Rena and her friend."

"I don't think they'll come after you again," he assures me, and I shake my head.

"I'm more worried they'll spread weird rumors about us. If they ever found out we're living together..." I don't want to think about what would result from that.

"Don't worry." Kazuki shrugs. "They might hate you, but I'm pretty sure they're still after me. They won't spread rumors about their idol and someone else."

We continue to chat about the girls and how to deal with them until we pass through the school gates and I decide to change the topic with other students around.

"Where's Makoto?" I realize, glancing around as if he's going to pop out of the shadows and offer me more sushi.

"Sleeping in."

"Will he make it to school on time?" I worry. "It's pretty late."

"He'll be fine."

I glance to my left and see Junta and his baseball friends carrying balls back to the storage shed. He's hissing something to one of them, cheeks flushed.

"Good morning, Junta," I call, changing direction to walk over to him. Kazuki follows me, one hand in his pocket.

"G-Good morning!" Junta calls back, smiling.

"Practicing hard, huh?" I smile gently. "I'll let you get back to it."

"Y-Yeah." He stares at me for a few seconds before blinking back to reality. "Yeah, I'll do that."

I avert my gaze, feeling guilty. If Kiki hadn't worked its magic on him, Junta could be in a happy relationship with someone right now, but instead he's still chasing after me, who wants nothing to do with dating. Poor guy.

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