Part 5

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He's on the same train as me. Why is he on the same train as me!? This train only goes to my school! I sneak another glance at the orange haired boy, leaving no room in my mind for doubt as I see his uniform matches mine. We go to the same school...So much for avoiding him.

"This is perfect!" Kiki whispers into my ear, making me jump. "This makes it a lot easier on me to get you two together! What wonderful luck!"

I swat at it but it dodges and returns to his spot in my bag. I notice the orange haired boy staring at me like he knows I've been watching him, and I quickly turn the other way. I don't look back for the rest of the train ride.

Unfortunately, since I live at an awkward angle from the school, I have to take two different trains, and so did he. Fortunately, Emi lives around here so we meet up at this train station every day. At least I'll have company to fill the awkwardness.

As I wait for the next train, Kiki decides to come out and bother me. It floats around my head, pokes me in the face, tests my knee's reflexes, and tries to eat my shoe, until finally I can't ignore it anymore. "Would you stop?" I hiss, still not completely trusting its spell to work.

"Perhaps," Kiki says offhandedly, "if you get a boyfriend—"

I smack it as hard as I can towards the ground, and it bounces a few times before rolling to a stop.

"You know, violence is bad," It sighs. Then it raises its wand and cries, "But I'm fine with it!"

I feel my legs pulled upwards while the rest of my body stays held down by gravity. I yelp just as I flip upside down, landing in a heap. Every head in the station turns to me, including the one face I really don't want to see right now. I scramble to my feet as a blue haired boy rushes over, pulling the orange haired boy with him.

"Are you okay?" the boy asks, obviously trying not to laugh. He turns to his friend expectantly, but he doesn't seem to get the cue, gazing off into the space over my head.

I don't know what I want. For one, I've already heard him ask if I'm okay, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear it again. But for two—

I hear a choked laugh and a hand slaps me on the back, Emi walking to my front, tears streaming down her face from laughing so hard.

"The hell was that!?" she laughed, gasping for breath. "You just went...fwoop! That was the best thing I've ever seen! You should join a circus, Haru! Not that you have any skills, but you could...hah...make everyone laugh well!"

Emi is always like this. 16, she's short and petite with dark purple hair and eyes and a never falling smile. We've been best friends since before I can remember, as our families know each other, so she's like a sister to me.

I glare at her, my cheeks flushed. "I'm glad you're enjoying my pain, Emi. Just so you know, I...ah..." I send a quick glance toward the orange haired boy, who's watching me closely. How in the world do I save this situation? I'm so embarrassed! Wait, why am I trying to save it? What I really want is to drive him away, which means being the least manly I can possibly be. "I saw a cockroach. A big one. Freaked me out."

Emi yelps, jumping away from me as if I'm about to turn into a roach myself. "Seriously? Okay, I forgive you for looking like such a weirdo...well, more than usual. Where'd it go? Did you kill it?"

"I dunno." I hop to my feet, deciding to ignore the onlookers, most of which are already turning back to waiting for the train. I smile evilly at her, adding, "I bet it's still around here somewhere. What if it's coming for you?"

She glares at me, but looks uncomfortable. "Y-Yeah right. I'm sure your antics scared it off, dork."

I turn to the two boys still watching us with an embarrassed smile. "Thanks for checking on me, but I'm fine."

"Alright." The boy seems unsure, but he turns back and starts off toward where he'd been before. The orange haired boy continues to  watch me carefully, so closely it makes me uncomfortable. I turn back to Emi quickly, ignoring his gaze.

"That was weird, h-huh?"

She sighs. "Not as weird as you are."

"C'mon. I speed walk away from the boy and Emi follows me, a little confused. We wait for the train together, then board it and ride it the rest of the way to school. As we arrive I see two girls waiting for someone, one flushed bright pink, holding a white letter.

"It's someone's lucky day," Emi whispers to me and I nod. But as the orange haired boy steps out the girl rushes forward, pushed by her friend to confess. She bows, biting her lip, and extends the letter to him.

"P-Please! Kazuki! I-I've liked you for a long time and...t-take' I feel about—"

"No thank you."

I blink. Did he just say...?

Kazuki walks past the girl and toward the school without looking back. His friend quickly apologizes to her before running after him. Two different girls rush off the train and follow them.

"Wow," Emi comments. "What a jerk. I'd die if someone rejected me like that."

"Y-Yeah," I agree halfheartedly. That was unexpected for me. He hadn't seemed like such a bad guy when I'd broken his phone. In fact, he'd seemed like a pretty chill dude. Definitely not the type to reject someone in three words and walk off.

Maybe he isn't a love interest after all. I sigh in relief. I wouldn't have been able to resist temptation otherwise.

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