Part 26

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"Thanks for inviting me!" Junta holds up a tied box happily. "My mom made fried chicken!"

"Seriously?" I take it from him, grinning. I know I'm supposed to act like I love his mother's fried chicken, but in reality I've never had it before. Still, any fried chicken is good fried chicken to me.

Junta sniffs the air. "Is that...curry?"

"Yeah." I start inside and he follows me to the living room where the table is covered with a huge bowl of curry and rice, plus a plate for each of the five of us. "Kazuki's in charge of the cooking, so it's bound to be delicious." When he stops behind me I turn to catch the last wisp of a dejected look disappear from his face. "What's wrong?"

"Eh?" He shakes his head quickly. "Nothing. Are you guys ready to eat? Sorry if I held you up."

"Not a problem!" Kiki squeaks from the other side of the table and Junta smiles.

We settle down around the table, thank Kazuki for the food and start eating. While I chow down happily, Junta eats with a worried expression. I think of asking him what's wrong, but Kiki is watching me so closely I know that's exactly what she wants. After a few minutes his bowl is completely clear.

"Seconds, please." He holds out his bowl to Kazuki, who nods to the big bowl in the middle of the table.

"Help yourself. I made extra."

"Oh? Then maybe I'll have some more too." I set down my empty bowl and reach for the spoon once Junta is done serving himself.

"What about your diet?" Kazuki interrupts, making me freeze in place.

"You're dieting?" Emi asks, surprised. "Why? I thought you were in good shape."

"I am..." I wrack my mind for an excuse. I go to the gym at least once a week, and according to Junta we go on runs every once in a while together, so I'm definitely in good shape. And I can't say I haven't been eating well, because I said I was cutting sushi out, which is usually good for you. With both of them waiting for me I decide I'll have to make an answer up on the spot, which I'm pretty good at.

"Haru...?" She frowns. "Are you—"

"I'm only cutting out sushi," I answer curtly. "That's all."

Wow. So much for being good at making things up on the spot. Everyone around the table stares at me.

"But sushi is so good!" Kiki objects through a mouthful of curry. Emi gives her an annoyed look.

You're the goddamn reason I can't eat it! I resist the urge to punch the little snake, taking a few deep breaths to center myself again.

"I just think I've been eating it too much lately," I try, "And I want to...expand my diet more."

"But you wouldn't even give up sushi when you had your wisdom teeth pulled!" Junta gasps. "When I asked you why you said sushi was worth the pain."

"I...ah, I don't remember that?" I really don't, since it didn't happen, so I'm technically not lying.

"I do." Emi sets down her bowl with a thud. "Haru, you would never just cut sushi out of your diet!  What's going on? What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I growl, reaching for the bowl of curry. "Anyway, I'm grabbing seconds."

"Go ahead," Kazuki sighs, ignoring the whole situation. "Just don't overdo it."

"I won't."

"Wow, Kazuki, you're responsible and a great cook!" Kiki gushes, finishing up the last of her curry. "You're such a big help for Haru, since he can't really do anything on his own! He's like a baby, don't you think?" I get up, tired of the conversation, but freeze on my way to the kitchen when she adds, "You should stay here longer than just a month! Haru really needs you, or so he says."

She winks at me and I yelp, "I did not say that!" Then I turn to Kazuki and whimper, "I'm really sorry about her. It's like once she gets an idea in her head she just won't let it go. Please don't listen to anything she says."

Junta glances at Emi, who shrugs agreeingly.

"So you...don't want me here?" Kazuki looks a little hurt, and I scramble to fix my mistake.

"N-No! I do appreciate you being here, but...I just..." I sigh. "I don't want to impose on your life like that."

"Why not?" Kiki butts in, standing up and grabbing her bowl to join me. "It would help him economically too, plus it would probably save your life!"

Kazuki thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "I don't want to impose either. And I don't want to make Mori uncomfortable."

I feel my heart sink, but I don't deny it. Just the fact he's aware how uncomfortable I am with him around bothers me. 

"Riiiight!" Kiki cries loudly. "Haru's uncomfortable around a guy he doesn't know. Aren't you worried, Junta?"

"E-Eh? Me?" Junta doesn't look very happy to be sucked into the conversation.

"Yep!" Kiki snaps, pointing at him. "I know! There are still vacant rooms here! Why don't you just move in?"

"What?" everyone but her yelps.

"You're best friends, so it wouldn't be a problem!" Kiki glances at Emi, who meets her gaze and grins, standing up as well.

"Hmm, I think Kiki's right! I mean, what's the harm in it? It's not like any of you like each other, right?"

Junta flushes and I look away in embarrassment. The poor guy, having to deal with both Kiki and Emi. He doesn't stand a chance.

"Anyways, I'm hungry!" Kiki suddenly decides, patting Emi on the shoulder. "Come get ice cream with me, Emi!"

"Wait!" I yelp, grabbing her shoulder as they start toward the door. No way they're leaving me in this situation, alone with two boys after that conversation. "Let's play rock paper scissors, and the two losers have to go!"

"Okay~" Kiki sings, and I realize I've walked into her trap as usual. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a tiny wand, waving it at me cheerily. She's planning to use magic to make sure I'm here with these two without any supervision. Not on my watch!

"Watch out!" I yell, rushing at her, arms out. "There's a huge spider on your leg!"

"Eh!?" She jumps and I grab her leg, pushing it out from under her and in the same moment pulling her wand from her loose grasp. She stumbles, almost falling, but catches herself with a sigh of relief. Her expression quickly changes from annoyance to terror when she sees her wand in my hand. I wave it around mockingly, then remember we have company.

"You good?" Emi asks, looking at me strangely. Then she jumps away from me, yelping, "Where's the spider? Did you kill it?"

"It ran out the door," I lie, grabbing Kiki's hand and pulling her away from the living room. "We'll be the two losers. We'll be back with ice cream soon!"

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