Part 59

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"I thought we'd never talk again, after we graduated," Amin complains, slumping down on the cafe table. "Why didn't you text us?"

"I didn't have a phone at the time, since I was playing too many video games, or so my mom said," I admit.

"Yeah, but you could've asked Emi for our numbers once you got a phone," she counters.

"I—Ah—I didn't know she had them," I try to defend myself.

"You could've asked."

"" Why didn't I text them? It's not like I didn't think about them, and it's not like I had no way of reaching them. No, I know why. Once I graduated, I wanted to be done with that school and all the memories I made there, even those with my closest friends. Of course, Emi came to the high school with me so I couldn't exactly cut ties with her, but despite constantly spreading secrets I knew somehow she'd keep mine safe.

"Don't tell me you forgot!" she cries, sitting up with a mock pout. "Haru, you meanie."

"I—" it's almost worse to tell them I didn't forget and was just avoiding them. "Yeah...Sorry. High school was just a lot and I couldn't find the time—"

"Dude, chill," Riporin laughs, waving a manicured hand at me. "It's fine. After all, we didn't contact you either, so we're all at fault here. All we can do is work to bring our friend group together again!" She raises a fist in the air and I wonder if I should applaud.

"Yeah." I smile happily. "That's right."

"You're as mild mannered as ever," Amin comments absentmindedly.

"Oh, but he gets really into it when it comes to video games," Emi informs them, raising a finger to jab me in the shoulder. "Like...What was that one you used to play with Tonta? Something about cats...?"

"Cat Ranger!" I push her finger away with my own and we start finger fencing while I talk. "That was an epic game."

"Tonta?" Riporin wonders, stirring her drink thoughtfully. "Who was that again?"

"Y'know, Tonta, the chubby boy with the black curly hair that covered his eyes." I chuckle remembering him. "We used to call him the dating sim antagonist, remember?"

"Hmm?" Riporin stares at me blankly. "I don't remember him."

"I do, I do! He looked like the protagonist of a...certain type of animation." Amin snickers to herself and I awkwardly look away, trying to avoid touching on the subject. "What was his last name, again?"

"His last name? Yeah, it was..." I freeze as a realization hits me. "Actually, I don't think I ever asked."

Emi breaks out laughing, covering her mouth to avoid spewing food.

Amin joins her much more daintily. "You don't know his last name? And you two were so close, too!"

I frown. "Well, do you know his name?"

"Hmm..." she taps her chin thoughtfully. "Didn't it end with -mi?"

I shrug, taking a bite of my sandwich, not really thinking that hard. "That could be anything." Tonta was Tonta, not someone else. I never even considered he had another name. Besides, he was the person I got closest to, the person I told a lot of things. But he's gone, and I don't know if I want to see him again, though I'm not sure why. My feelings regarding my past are...complicated, to say the least.

"Oh yeah!" Amin realizes, putting her hands together. "Junta Hayami! That's his name!"

Half the sandwich decides to take the scenic route and I bend over the table, coughing as I struggle to breathe.

"Woah!" Emi yelps, pounding my back with her fist. "Are you okay?"

That helps and I manage to swallow correctly, gasping for breath while the other two exclaim worriedly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I assure them, waving my hand. "Just...surprised at my own stupidness, that's all."

"What?" they yelp at the same time, confused.

"Tonta—Junta—attends my school," I admit slowly.

"Oh, I bet he's as quiet as ever," Amin laughs. "You probably just forgot about him, although that doesn't seem like you."

"No," I groan, covering my face. "I still know him. Just...Nothing, nothing." Out of the corner of my eye I can see Emi grinning wildly at me, like she's barely containing herself.

I slide a hand at the table, with a go ahead...please expression and she barely sees it before explaining, "We know Junta! In fact, he's still Haru's best friend! Just..." she snickers before exclaiming, "He looks totally different! Like unbelievably different! He's tall and handsome now! Of course, I immediately recognized him, and I thought Haru did too, but I forgot how much of an idiot he is."

I don't even have a comeback for that. She's right—I am an idiot for not realizing. But he'd never talked about the past...No, that's not true either. I just thought it was part of Kiki's spell.

"Seriously?" Amin cries. "That's so cool!"

"I still don't really remember him," Riporin admits, "but we should totes invite him to our get together! In fact, wanna invite him here now?"

I bring out my phone, cheeks still hot in embarrassment. "Yeah, sure. He might be tired from practice though."

"Wow, I can't wait to see him!" Amin chugs the rest of her drink, then wipes her mouth daintily. "I wonder if he still likes you, Haru?" She and Emi share a smirk and I wince.

"Of course he likes me," I force out, making sure to play the oblivious love interest. "We're good friends."

I can feel girls stare at me in disgust and I take a sip of my drink, avoiding their gazes. Junta can't get here fast enough.

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