Part 10

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"So, where is it?" Kazuki walks freely into my house and takes the newspaper I hand him, rolling it up into a monster smashing weapon.

"It was in the kitchen..." I can barely be afraid of the roach in this situation. A hot guy is inside my house, alone with me. How am I even supposed to deal with this? Stay calm, Haru, stay calm. He's just going to slay the monster and then go home, and you'll never have to deal with him again. I let out a breath. Right. Everything's going to be...

A black shape catches my attention from under the living room table and I stumble back in terror, not taking a second glance as I spin and run in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, the opposite direction happens to be directly into Kazuki. He yelps as I crash into him, both of us tumbling to the floor.

"It's right there!" I yell, not yet conscious of the situation I'm in. "It...ah..." A camera lens cover sits still under the table, currently not being a roach. "Oh, sorry—"

I look down just as Kazuki looks up and our eyes meet. Each second feels like an eternity as we both try and catch our breath, my hands on either side of his wide shoulders, and my knee resting on the floor between his legs. Right now, I'm the pink haired protagonist, and Kazuki is Ichiro, his calm demeanor broken as his cheeks flush and he stares into my eyes.

Our faces inches from each other, I feel his hot breath on my cheek as we stare into each other's eyes, both of us shocked at the situation we're in. How did I even get here!? "Wait, I thought I'd be the bottom in this situation" is the only thought that crosses my mind.

And then I see the roach. Huge and dark, it scampers across the floor toward us, spreading its hairy legs and opening its huge wings to fly.

"GAH—" I jump up, accidentally kneeing Kazuki in the thigh, and run for the nearest chair, jumping onto it, not caring how stupid I look. He grunts in pain but jumps to his feet as well, grabbing the newspaper from where it fell on the floor and rushing after the bug as it realizes how much danger it's in. He hits the ground once, twice, and a third time, but the creature is fast and surprisingly maneuverable and it rushes under the couch.

"Did you get it?" I ask, knowing full well the answer but still wanting him to say yes.

He shakes his head, sighing angrily. "It's under the couch, the little bastard. Also, could you calm down? You almost kneed me in the crotch."

I flush, reluctantly getting off the chair and muttering, "Sorry. It just surprised me. Don't tell me you don't think that thing's creepy as hell?"

He shrugs. "A little? I really don't mind it that much."

"Lucky." I glance down at the couch only to see the creature wriggle out from under it, trying to find other shelter. "There! It came out!"

"Got it!" Kazuki rushes forward, swinging the newspaper like a hammer and smacking the roach dead center. He uses a tissue to pick it up and shows me it for proof. "See? Nothing to be scared of."

"Eugh," I grunt. "Don't show it to me, throw it away or something."

He does as instructed, throwing it into my trash and setting the newspaper down on the table. Then he turns to me, as if waiting for something, but I'm not sure what to give him. Another roach to kill? A kiss? A slap across the face? Probably none of those.

"Ah, right." I pull off the green jacket and hand it to him, then reach to take it back. "I can wash it and—"

"It's fine, I got it," he says, back to monotone.

"O-Okay..." I frown. "Also, sorry for kneeing you in the shin...And for making you deal with all this stuff. Looks like I owe you a lot of favors now."

He shrugs as we walk to the door and he starts putting on shoes. "I'm Tsukasa Kazuki. You're a freshman too, right?"

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