Part 34

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"See you! Hope practice goes well!" I call as Junta rides away on his bike toward the school. I close the door, shivering in the crisp morning air, and run back inside, flopping onto the couch and pulling out my phone. Maybe I'll order some more merch, if Kiki hasn't shut down all the anime stores.

"Are you busy?" Kazuki asks, opening the door to the living room. When he sees my position he sighs. "I guess not."

Feeling a little insulted, I mutter, "I'm doing very important things."

He walks over and grabs my phone out of my hand, ignoring my complaints. It's still on the Home Screen since I haven't opened anything yet. Kazuki raises an eyebrow at me and I wince.

"I can see that." He tosses my phone back to me and I scramble to catch it. "I don't have many summer clothes, so I'm going shopping to look for some. Do you want to come with me?"

"Me? Why?"

"I need a shield against hungry girls," He answers truthfully.

"But, like you said, why would anyone think two guys are dating?"

He shrugs. "Dating, friends, it doesn't matter what they think. If I'm with someone else they'll be less likely to approach me."

"It must be hard, being—" Realizing I'm about to call him hot, I quickly amend, "—liked by girls that much."


"But why don't you just shop online?" I ask, still looking for a way to get out of this.

"I don't like shopping online," he sighs. "Are you coming or not?"

"Fine, fine." I better go with him. Not that I want to, but letting a guy struggling with his sexuality go out into a world of hungry women is never a good idea. Of course, since I'm not smoking hot I've never had that problem, I think self pityingly.

The nods. "Go get dressed, then."

I blink, confused. "I am dressed."

"No, I mean into nicer clothes."

"These are nice." He raises an eyebrow and I feel a twinge of annoyance. "These are nice! You want me to go out in my pajamas?"

"You don't have anything better than that?" When I don't respond he groans, taking my hand and pulling me off the couch. "Seriously? If you don't change I'm gonna raid your closet."

"Wait!" I yelp, wrenching my hand out of his grasp. "I'll change! Don't go in my room!" If he finds out I'm an otaku, that'll be even worse than telling him I'm gay. Until now, my room hasn't been off limits, but I haven't necessarily invited them in either. If Kazuki sees the things in there...I'd never live it off.


I rush out of the room, throw on to the nicest jeans I have and a cute looking sushi shirt, and run back downstairs. Kazuki looks up from his phone, commenting, "Well that was fast...What is that?"

"What's what?" I glance down, looking for the problem in my outfit.

"That shirt. It's lame."

"Wha—?" I glare at him, insulted. "It is not."

"This isn't a trip to the convenience store," he reminds me. "Your jeans are fine, but pick a different shirt."

"Fine." More slowly this time, I make my way upstairs and sort through my clothes, horrified to realize most of them are either sushi themed or have anime or game characters on them. I can't let Kazuki see any of those, so I pick a loose plain black T-shirt, one of the only plain shirts I have. I walk back downstairs and Kazuki sighs.

"It's not the best, but it'll work. Do you seriously not have any nice shirts?"

I shake my head, embarrassed. "Not a single one." I can't really tell him that's because I almost never used to leave the house, instead playing video games or watching anime, and the only times I go out are to exercise.

"I'll see that for myself," he challenges, getting up and marching up the stairs toward my room.

"Gah! Wait!" I yelp, trying to pull him to a stop without sending us both down the stairs. My efforts are less than successful though, and he barges into my anime covered room without a thought, going straight to my closet. Surprised, I watch as he sorts through my shirts, looking more and more disappointed with each one.

Once he's finished he turns to me defeatedly. "Do you never leave the house, man? And what's with all the sushi?"

"You're not...gonna mention it?" I ask fearfully. At his confused glance I motion to the rest of the room, but he doesn't look any less in the dark. "The fanart. The merch. The utter cringe."

He looks around again, then shrugs. "Why would I mention it?"

"Because it's weird." I'm confused at his reaction. Doesn't he think I'm the lamest guy in existence? "You don't...think it's—?"

"I mean, I already knew about it," he admits. "I came in here to drop off your laundry a few days ago."

I stare at him.

"Seriously, Mori, you make such a big deal out of everything. Why would I judge your hobby? It's not like it hurts anyone."

I feel like giving the guy a hug, but I know he'd less than appreciate that. I've never felt so accepted in my life, even when I came out to my parents. Somehow, Kazuki not making a big deal out of it, or even a little deal, or a deal at all, makes me feel like I can tell him anything.

"Do you have any money saved up?" he asks, turning away from my closet.

"A bit...Why?"

"Any plans for it?"

He's not suggesting I buy myself clothes, is he? "I can just shop online, it's fine."

He shakes his head. "You'll only buy more sushi shirts."

I wince. How'd he know?

Taking me by the hand, he starts to drag me out of the room, then freezes. "But what are you going to wear when we're shopping?"

"Isn't this fine?" I gesture to my outfit. "You said it was fine downstairs."

He pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. "I guess it's okay—"

"Absolutely not!" The door bursts open and Kiki in her female form barges on, grinning. "Don't you worry, Kazuki! I'll make sure Haru looks nice and presentable for your da—your shopping."

I send a nice death glare her way but she pretends not to notice it, pushing Kazuki out of the room and slamming the door, then turning to me.

"Let's get started, shall we? My wand is finally all cleaned, so I can cast spells! I'm never letting you near this again," she adds, cradling the wand like a baby.

"I thought you sent the underwater thief after us so Junta would stay over," I realize. "But you couldn't do that if your wand was broken, so was that just bad luck?"

Kiki sparkles her wand in my face. "Nope! I had to call in to HQ for that one! After all, it really moves this along!"

"Curse you and your HQ."

She laughs. "Curse us all you want! It doesn't do anything, since you're not a wizard!"

I groan. "I'm not going on a shopping date with Kazuki, okay? That's way too far out of my comfort zone and way too far into yours, so just give it up. I'm just gonna stay here and shop online if he really forces me to."

Kiki giggles threateningly, which I'm only learning now is possible. "Do what you want and I'll throw them away~" she sings.

"T-Throw what away?" I back up slowly, reaching for anything I can hold her down with in case she tries to go for my merch.

"Your sushi shirts."

I gasp. "You wouldn't dare, you little demon. Do you really want to face my wrath?"

"I think I already am," she comments dryly, then goes back to grinning. "But I'll really do it, and it won't be that difficult either. So choose: a shopping date with a hot guy or losing some of your favorite belongings? What'll it be?"

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