Part 11

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After filling the bath, I rush to my dad's room and grab a shirt and a pair of pants he felt behind, then return to the living room.

"Here. These are my dad's." I hand them to him and he takes them gratefully.

"Thanks. Oh, and I can sleep on the couch." He starts into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"So you finally gave in, huh?" Kiki chuckles, flying out of its magical hiding spot to rub against my face like a cat. "Spending an entire night together; something's bound to happen! I'm so excited!"

I think about judo chopping it in half, but I don't know how to do that and it wouldn't work anyway, so I just ignore it.

"Got any big plans?" it asks giddily. "Like maybe xxx or xxxxxxx him or xxxxxxx him?"

I flush beet red, giving up on ignoring it and smacking it straight in its stupid face, sending it flying across the room. "Are you crazy!? What the hell is wrong with you!? Why won't you just leave me alone? I'm not doing any of that stuff!"

It chuckles as it rises off the ground. "You say that now, but I know your true feelings. After a touch of my magic, you'll be raring to go!"

"Keep your stupid magic out of my life!"

Kiki smirks at me and I grab it, as well as a ziplock bag and stuff it inside. It yelps as I drop it into a drawer and slam it shut.

Ahh, peace and quiet at last. Now it's time to prepare. Kazuki said he'd take the couch, which means I need a blanket and pillow for him...I get lost in thought as I set up, fluffing the pillow and making sure the blanket is hotel-level perfect, even though he's going to mess it up when he sleeps. I don't even know why I'm trying so hard, when this goes against my entire plan, but I want him to sleep well. I couldn't bear it if he gets a neck cramp or back pain because of me.

"Mori?" Kazuki emerges from the bathroom and I choke on a breath. He's wearing the shirt and pants I provided, but they don't fit quite right and bag around the sides, making him look tiny. Something about that is so cute to me that it takes a second for me to realize he's waiting for something.

"S-Sorry, what?" I murmur.

"Do you want to take a bath?" he repeats.

"Ah! Yeah, right!" I jump up and rush to the bathroom, stopping at my room for a fresh change of clothes.

When I emerge, Kazuki is sitting on the couch, on his phone. He looks up when I enter the room and smiles. But his expression quickly changes to one of disgust when he sees what I'm wearing. I've adorned myself with the three most hideous pieces of clothing I could find in the house; bunny slippers, bright orange sweatpants with fox icons all over them, and a dark green frog pajama shirt. My hair is sticking out messily as I only half dried it, and I've tucked in my awful shirt half into my awful pants.

Kazuki stares at me in shock, the same expression as when I'd offered him instant Ramen, like I'm the lamest guy in existence, which I don't blame him for thinking. If I were in his shoes and he were in my bunny slippers, I'd hate me too. I'd probably choose the death storm over spending the night with him.

"W-Why is your shirt tucked in?" is all he can say.

I shrug. "This is just how I dress at night. Is something wrong with it?"

He opens his mouth to say something, then closes it and sighs. "No. It's fine."

Hah, take that, you little egg bastard! We can't xxxx and xxxxxxx if I'm dressed like this! It's way too lame.

"You're so horrible!" Kiki cries, flying out of the kitchen. "Locking me in there, what's wrong with you?" It freezes in midair when it sees me, slowly taking in the situation. Then it screeches at the top of its lungs, "Nooooo! What have you done!? My juicy love set up! You've ruined it!"

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