Part 28

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"We're back!" I call into the quiet house. Kiki walks in behind me, still sobbing and wiping her wand.

"Oh! Haru!" Junta runs out of the kitchen, wiping his hands dry on his pants. "I broke one of your plates. I'm sorry."

"Really?" Without thinking I grab his hand, turning it over in mine. "Are you okay? You didn't cut yourself, right?" I look up to see his face flushed and I quickly let go.

"I-I'm fine," He mutters, wrapping his hands together. Then he notices Kiki crying behind me wiping her wand and gives me a questioning look.

"Best not to question it," I close the conversation. "Anyway, where's Emi? Everyone should get some ice cream."

"I'm right here." Emi exits the bathroom, shaking the water off her hands. "I hear ice cream, I appear."

I laugh. "Well, I've got a wide variety for you. I didn't know what to get, so I got everything."

"Yay!" she cheers, settling down at the table. I sit next to her and she leans over to whisper, "Those two had a nice talk while you were gone. Looks like your love interests are gonna be friends!"

I push her face away, sighing, "They're not my love interests, they're my friends. Stop being weird."

"Speaking of being weird..." She leans back to look around me at Kiki, who's dejectedly eating a Popsicle while staring at her wand. "Why's your cousin so sad? What'd you do, Haru?"

"She dropped her toy in a pile of poop," I explain seriously, trying not to laugh. "I don't know why she's making such a big deal out of it though. She's a strange one."

"I'll just have to take that," Kiki whimpers. I hide my smile.

After we've all finished our food, I follow Junta to the door.

"Thanks for dinner, Haru. It was nice."

I smile awkwardly. "I didn't make dinner though. Thank Kazuki for that."

He thinks for a moment, then decides, "Well, thanks for the ice cream."

"All I did was buy it," I laugh. "Seriously, I barely did anything."

"You offered up your house?" he tries, really wanting to thank me for something. I smile at his persistence.

"It was my pleasure."

He puts on his shoes and reaches for the door, then asks quietly, "Could I...come over for dinner again sometime?"

I blink, surprised by how serious he sounds. "Yeah, of course."

He turns back to me with a bright smile, his sudden mood gone. "Well, I'll enjoy a jog back."

"Wow, this late at night?"

"It's good for me."

"I admire your tenacity but I don't envy you for having it."

He laughs. "We should run together again sometime soon. It was nice last time, but it's been too long."

"Y-Yeah." Sorry, man, but I don't remember the last time I ran with you. "I'll look forward to it."

I can't tell in the dark, but it looks like his cheeks are red. "Me too, then."

"See you at school," I call as he opens the door and jogs off into the darkness.

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