Part 17

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After a few minutes Kazuki switches off his phone and turns back to me.

"What'd they say?" I ask hopefully. I'm sure he'll want to keep being friends with me after we're not forced together, right? I'm sure I can see him again sometime. But what if he doesn't want anything to do with me after how embarrassing I was last night? What if he thinks I'm a weird guy? How do I convince him to not abandon me?

"There's no available rooms."

"Eh?" My schemes shatter. That means that—

"Everything is booked," he sighs. "The soonest someone's going to move out is in a month. Until then..."

"Seriously?" I can't believe I'm in this situation again. I can't let him stay at my place for a month! I can only imagine the things Kiki would do to us. But I can't really let him go homeless either. His parents don't live around here, so he can't live with them. He's got nowhere to go. No, calm down, Haru. I'm sure he has a friend he can stay with, one not haunted by a magic egg. If I don't offer then he's sure to go somewhere else.

Kazuki looks down at his phone, then back to me, a plan brewing in his amber eyes. "You said you want to pay for my phone, right?"

"Yes. I do. It's my fault you had to get a new one, after all."

He nods. "And a phone costs around a month's rent, right?"

"Yes...?" I think I see where this is going, and I don't like it in the slightest.

He slips his phone into his pocket, stands tall, and proposes, "Let me stay at your house for a month, in exchange for you breaking my phone."

" entire month?" I knew it was coming but hearing the words from his mouth make it a whole new level of real. Kiki would have a field day if I accepted this. Or, a field month. No way, I can't accept this, no matter how much I secretly want it.

"I'm not suggesting freeloading," Kazuki clarifies. "I'll clean, I'll make breakfast and lunch, plus dinner on my off days. I'll even catch you know what if one comes out again."

Well that changes things. I can't clean, I can't cook, and I definitely can't handle...those things. Having Kazuki around would be like getting rid of every one of the weaknesses I have.

Of course, it would also introduce a whole array of problems, number one being that guys get real comfortable around other guys, which makes me really uncomfortable. And as I can't really tell him why I'm not okay with him taking his shirt off or making awkward jokes...But Kazuki doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would do those things...But you never know...

"Sorry. I asked too much," Kazuki sighs. "It's okay. I'll just—"

"It's no trouble," I blurt. "You're welcome at my house. I mean, what's the problem in it? We're both guys! Ahaha..."

An expression I can't figure out flashes across his expression but it quickly changes to a smile. "Really? That's a huge help, since you live so close to my work."

Crap. I gave into the guilt. Now there's nothing stopping Kiki from making situations between us.

"Oh, and ask your parents too," Kazuki remembers.

I sigh, remembering how quickly they left once Kiki told them to. "I'm sure they won't have a problem with it."


"Yeah...they don't really care what I do," I lie. I can't tell him they're being mind controlled and, oh yeah, so is he, so I'll just stick to that story for now.

So I'm living with my love interest, huh? I sigh as we start back to my house. What could go wrong, right? Yeah...I'm not even gonna try that. I know only disaster can come from this.

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