Part 41

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Am I too early? I check the time again, but it's the time Tsuchiya gave me when he asked that we meet on Saturday. I wonder what Koganei even wants to talk about. I hope he's not still angry about that accident. God, what if I have to fill out paperwork for it?

I look back up at the road just as a familiar black car pulls up and the well dressed boy steps out.

"Goodness, you're here early," he scoffs, flicking his hair back as usual. "I bet you just couldn't wait to see me, which I understand."

I cough awkwardly. "What did you want to talk about, Koganei?"

His eyes widen in surprise. "Koganei? Don't address me in such a comfortable way, commoner."

I smile forcefully. What a little brat. Didn't his parents teach him any manners?

The boy eyes me up and down, then sighs. "Why are you dressed like such a slob? Are you trying to make me look bad?"

I glance down at my clothes. They're the ones I bought with Kazuki, so I feel a little insulted by his disgusted gaze. Of course, they are just a pair of jeans and a plain red shirt, so to a rich boy like him they must not be much. Still, why am I supposed to dress up so much just to fill out forms about the accident?

"You leave me no choice, then," Koganei sighs, grabbing my arm and pushing me into the car. "You could be more sincere." He climbs in after me and closes the door as the car starts off.

"What?" I settle down, but still feel on edge. "What are you—"

"I suppose I'll dress you up, just for today. You'll be Cinderella-d like you've never been before."

I slump into the seat. I need a translator for this guy and what the hell his motives are. Seriously, isn't this kidnapping? And why does he think I want to be dressed up? Or does he just not care about what I want? No, that part seems abundantly clear.

We drive until we reach a fancy men's clothing store, where Koganei pulls me out of the car and into the back, where he hands me off to one of the male employees with, "Make him look presentable," and then leaves to wait in the front.

"Um..." I glance up at the tall man uncomfortably. "I don't really want to be here. Do you have a back exit or something...?"

He blinks seriously. "Do not worry, sir. We shall have you looking like a prince in no time."

He pushes me into the changing room after handing me a pair of dress pants and a white shirt with a green sweater to go over it, then closes the door. I hear a click from the outside.

The bastard locked the door on me! Why does this door even lock from the outside!? I look down at the clothes, sighing. I guess I don't have a choice. I'm not so rude that I'm going to resist someone's hospitality, but if it's this Koganei guy I just might be.

"Any chance you'll let me out if I don't change?" I call through the door.

"Apologies, sir, but we've been ordered by the son of our boss to make you look presentable," he calls back. "We'll fix your hair when you exit."

I groan, unfolding the clothes. I had to get all dressed up last weekend, when I went shopping with Kazuki, and I'm not looking forward to doing it again. But I reluctantly pull on the clothes and try my best to straighten them out, hoping the man outside will find me presentable enough that he doesn't have to mess with them. Now that would be uncomfortable. Once I'm done I knock on the door and he opens it, nodding when he sees me.

"Come right this way." He starts into another room and I glance around for any close exits before following him. He seats me in a spinning chair and starts brushing back my hair. Once he's done he grabs what I'm guessing is foundation and walks to my front, bending down to apply it.

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