Part 54

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We reach the exit and I toss Kiki out, closing the door behind us and waiting for Kazuki to open it or Junta to appear and ask a million questions, but nothing happens.

"You're not going to rope Kazuki into this?" I wonder suspiciously.

"Nope!" He grins at me. "I really do want to learn about romance today. Besides, I think you embarrassed yourself enough for one day."

I feel my cheeks heat in anger. "Don't you feel sympathy for the characters? What's wrong with you?"

"First off, I'm not even human." He snaps his fingers and a purple hat and his usual wand appear. I glance around nervously but no one seems to notice. "So it's hard to feel compatible sympathy for things like you. Besides, they're just fictional characters—Oh, wait..." He slowly turns to smirk scornfully at me. "But your whole world was fictional characters, right? They must feel like real people to you. How sad."

I wonder if people'll see me drop kick him. Best not to test that here.

"Ooh! Boba!" Kiki ignores my glare and runs to the nearest store, which has a line almost twenty people long. Some are leaving with tasty looking tapioca drinks. I wait as Kiki buys us two and rushes back, handing me a mango tea. I reluctantly accept it, but in reality I'm grateful. After all, it's his own money he's spending, so maybe I'll just leech off him today.

"Let's head home, hand in hand, sipping our boba and discussing the romance of the movie we just watched," He instructs, taking my hand and pulling me toward a crosswalk in the direction of my house.

As we wait I take a sip of my tea. It's pretty good, I hate to admit, but I try not to let it show on my face.

"Is it good?" Kiki asks excitedly, bouncing up and down. "Y'know, I always thought boba look like rabbit droppings, don't they?"

I choke on my drink and cover my mouth with the cup, coughing. "What? They don't, that's disgusting. What's wrong with you? Oh wait, that question has a lot of answers."

He pouts, taking a sip of his own drink. His eyes widen the moment he swallows and he stares at the little balls floating in the cup. "This texture...You're right! They're not rabbit droppings!"

"See?" I huff. "I told you—"

"They're a lot more like frog eggs!"

I flick him on the forehead and he has to let go of my hand to protect himself from any more attacks which I won't deny I am planning. Still, it's a success either way, since now I don't have to touch his disgusting little hand.

Suddenly he leans over and takes a sip of my drink, sucking up boba like a machine. The moment I realize what he's doing I stab my cup and straw into his mouth, making him yelp in pain and jolt away.

"Wha wath tha fo?" he cries, covering his mouth in pain.

"Aha! So you can be hurt in this form?" I discover, making him laugh nervously.

"N-Not at all."

I guess he heals quickly though. Still, this means I can get my due revenge when I get home; something to look forward to.

"Plus, sharing drinks is what couples do," he complains. "You can have some of mine, if you want."

"Sure." I grab his entire cup just as the light turns and start across, walking as fast as I can to get away from my little shadow demon. I'm almost home. If I can just make it this short way without any more disasters...

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