Part 48

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I hum happily as I stroll down the street, holding my new wrapped anime photo book. By some miracle of luck the store had one left, and I don't know if it's Kiki being merciful or forgetful, but I'm not letting this chance slip by me. I just have to get home before anything bad can happen.

Hurrying my pace, I get to the first crosswalk right as the light turns red. I groan, adjusting my grip on the book, worried. It feels like the slightest wind might rip it out of my hands, and if that wind is made by a certain wizard, it just might.

Speaking of Kiki and its problems, I wonder if another tragedy is going to befall Kazuki. After all, it's almost been a month now, meaning he should have found a new place to live, which I'm happy about. That means less time for Kiki to try and make us have awkward romantic situations. Yeah, I'm happy...

Why am I even trying to lie to myself like this? I know how much I'm enjoying my life with him, Junta and I all living together. Watching zombie mystery romance depressing comedy shows and freaking out over R's are much better with company. I don't want either of them to leave, that's the truth. But if Kazuki wants to go, it's not like I'll try to stop him. He'll just be missed.

"I know, right?" A large shoulder bumps mine harshly and the book falls from my grasp, a can of coffee falling with it and splattering over the corner of the wrapping.

"Ah—" I quickly pick it up and check the inside, but the book doesn't look harmed. I turn my gaze to the man who ran into me, waiting for an apology, but he looks angry.

"The hell was that, you little brat?" he snaps, grabbing the collar of my shirt and almost hoisting me off my feet. "Don't stand there staring into space like that!"

"I was waiting for the light," I reply as calmly as I can in this situation, biting back all the snappy comments bubbling up in my throat. There's no way I stand a chance against this guy, especially not when he's angry.

"Yeah, well thanks to your thoughtlessness, I spilled my damn coffee," He complains, his grip on my shirt tightening. It's definitely gonna get stretched from this. "It got on my shirt and shoes, ya see?" With his other hand he pulls out his shirt to show me a tiny dot of brown near the edge. 

"I see..." I frown sympathetically. "Can you let go now?"

"Not until you pay me for ruining my shirt and my day." He turns away and starts pulling me toward his buddies.

"Hey! What the hell!?" I reach to grab his wrist, but before I can a pale dainty hand seizes it at the elbow and twists in a way that the man is forced to let go. He stumbles back in surprise, looking back at me and whoever the stranger is.

I look up at them, but all I can see is long platinum blond hair and large pink lips that snap, "You ran into him. Don't ask for payment, apologize for that and stretching his shirt."

The man flushes bright pink, putting out a shaking hand. "M-Miss...You're really pretty." His expression hardens and he grabs her hand. "If you come with us I might forgive this little—OW!"

The woman pulls his hand behind his back and pushes in, making him cry out in pain. "Don't touch me. Apologize to him now."

"Gh—" He glares up at me. "It was just a book! You're making such a big deal out of—"

Without thinking I step forward and slam the book on his lowered head as hard as I can. "Just a book!? You have no idea how much a single book can mean when you have all your needs taken away!" I strike him with it again, feeling a little bad—for the book, that is. "I hope whatever ugly dog you have pees in your mouth tonight!"

"Jesus, what!?" I raise the book again and he yelps, "Okay! It was my fault! Just stop hitting me!"

The woman releases him and he stumbles away, back to his buddies. She smirks as he rubs the top of his head painfully. "Go work on yourself, 'kay, boys?"

Their faces turn red and they quickly exit the scene, murmuring to each other with careful glances back.

"T-Thanks..." my words dry up on my mouth as she turns back to me, smiling. She's really beautiful, and that's coming from someone who doesn't even like girls. Silky smooth long hair, large silver eyes, fair skin: she's pretty much the definition of beauty.

"Of course. Is your book alright?"

"Huh? Oh," I pull it out and flip through the pages but I can't find any problems. "Yeah. It's fine."

"But really, what did you say?" She laughs to herself. "You hope whatever ugly dog he has pees in his mouth tonight?"

I feel my face heat in embarrassment. "It just came out. I tend not to have a filter when I'm angry..."

"I see," she agrees sadly. "I can sympathize with that.

"Arisa," Kazuki's voice calls, and the tall boy walks over under his usual black hat.

"Tsukasa, hey." The woman—Arisa—smiles and I look between the two of them in confusion. 

"Kazuki? You two know each other?" Wait, are they dating? It would make sense that two insanely hot people would be, but why did he never mention this to me? Wait, Haru, don't rush to conclusions. Hear them out first, then judge. Actually, maybe don't judge at all.

"Mori?" He looks back and forth between us. "What happened? Is everything okay?"

"Mori?" Arisa blinks, then smiles at me. "Ah, you must be Haru Mori, then, right?"

"Y-Yeah." How does she know me?

"Thanks for taking care of Tsukasa." She puts a hand around his shoulders, pulling him closer. "I'm Arisa, his older sister. You've been a huge help to him!"

"S-Sister!?" He did mention he has an older sister, but wow, I never expected to meet her this way. And I didn't think anyone could be as beautiful as Kazuki, but she's proved me wrong. These siblings should be a protected species!

"What's wrong with that?" Kazuki asks, puzzled.

"Nothing. She's just as—" just as pretty as you are. But I can't say that to him!

"Just as?" Arisa wonders curiously.

"A-As nice as you, Kazuki! She's like a superhero or something. It was amazing what she did."

She laughs lightly as we start walking back to our house. "Aww, thanks. But it was more amazing how you hit him in the head with your book, with how much you care about it."

Kazuki blinks. "You hit someone with a book?"

"With good reason," I assure him, hugging the book closer to my chest. When he doesn't look satisfied with that answer I sigh. "Best not to worry about it. All's well that ends well."

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