Part 87

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We walk in silence until we're about a block away from my house. There I stop, looking around for anyone, but the street is silent.

"Why are you stopping?" Yukana growls angrily, not even trying to keep up her sweet act. "I want to see him as soon as possible!"

I grasp for anything to stop this. "Y'know...Kazuki doesn't really like surprises...maybe I should call him and t-tell him you're here?"

She sighs. "How would you know what Tsukasa likes? You don't even call him by his first name."

And you haven't seen him in months, I want to say, but my throat's dried up. Why does this happen to me in every confrontation? Same with Mori—When I try to be strong I can't do anything but shake. But if I can at least protect Kazuki, then—

The sound of a plastic bag hitting the concrete makes Yukana whip around and I see what her body was blocking before.

Kazuki stares at the woman, eyes wide, hands trembling but body still as a statue. He takes a shaky step back, his eyes darting from Yukana to me. The betrayal in them makes me want to throw up, or yell "it's not my fault!" but I know it is. This whole situation could've been avoided if I weren't such a weakling. But I am, and now one of my best friends is paying the price.

"Why—Why is she here?" he gasps.


"Tsukasa!" Yukana's brilliant smile returns as she rushes at him, arms wide. Kazuki stands stock-still, barely breathing, not trying to move at all.

He's even more scared than I am, and here I am, doing nothing. I set my face into a determined look, which helps my confidence slightly, enough to let me move again. I run after her, grabbing her arm and yanking her to a stop right before she reaches him.

"What do you think you're doing?" she hisses, turning her gaze on me.

I gulp, but my throat isn't closed anymore. "K-Kazuki doesn't like close contact. Besides, we're busy right now. You have to leave...please."

Her glare might be enough to freeze a burning fire, but I find strength in Kazuki's eyes locked onto mine. I let go of her and walk to his side, nudging his shoulder.

"Let's go."

He doesn't respond but follows me as I walk toward our house. Yukana says nothing, but I can feel her eyes tracking me as I close the door behind us.

Kazuki stumbles to the table, using it to steady himself. He slowly takes off his hat, subconsciously crushing it in his hand. Sweat drips off his chin, pooling together on the table.

I frown, walking over to the window and peering out. Yukana is still standing outside, and when she notices the movement of me opening the curtains, she looks back, her face serious. I silently shake my head and she sighs, then turns and starts off. I can imagine the sound of her heels clicking away on the sidewalk as she disappears around the corner.

"She's gone," I inform Kazuki, not surprised at how much my voice is shaking.

"What—What did she say to you?" he mutters, staring at the table.

"She called my name while I was walking home. She said she knew you. Ah—and she...she said she was your girlfriend." I immediately regret my words as Kazuki coughs in horror.

"She..." He clutches at his mouth, dropping his hat and rushing to the kitchen where he retches over the sink.

I follow him quickly, not sure whether to pat his back or not touch him at all. Using my own experiences as a basis, I decide on the latter.

"I'm sorry."

"Did—Did you believe her?" he gasps, looking up at me searchingly.

I hand him a towel, shaking my head. "Of course not. I knew something was off—I tried to make her follow me to the police station but she caught on to me. I just..." My hand tightens on the kitchen counter until my knuckles turn white. "I didn't know what to do...This is all my fault. I'm so sorry."

"It's not..." He stumbles back, pressing his back against the fridge and sliding down to the floor. I kneel next to him, watching his every move. "It's not your fault. She probably already knew your address, so she could tell. But you tried to stop her anyway." He smiles shakily. "Thank you."

I stay silent. If I had been a little more loud, a little more confident, maybe I could've done more. I know that. But other people are always telling me it's okay, that I'm fine the way I am. They just don't know how much I hate myself.
I look up at Kazuki, who's watching me closely. Maybe he's the same way.

"That woman..." He takes a deep breath, sighing it out. "She's my—my stalker."

"I thought so," I agree. That's probably why he moved so far, although I can't imagine why his family wouldn't come with him. But I don't say anything, letting him let it out as slowly as he wants.

We sit in silence for a few seconds until Kazuki coughs again, covering his mouth.

"I'll get you some water." I get to my feet and start toward the cupboard where the glasses are, but he grabs my hand.

"It's fine. Stay...please."

"Sure." I settle down next to him, still holding his hand, but I barely even notice it behind my worry. "But you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I know how tough it can be to share hard things."

He shakes his head. "I want to. I feel like'll understand."

"Of course."

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