Junta route part 2

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"Hey! Haru!"

"Gah—!" I jump to sitting up in bed and rub the blur from my eyes, looking up at Tsukasa. He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why do you always sleep in so late? If you don't get up now we'll be late to school."

"R-Really?" I look around for my phone but it's disappeared onto the piles of junk around my room.

"Yeah. C'mon, breakfast's waiting for you." He jerks his head toward the hallway before heading that way himself, closing the door behind him.

I sigh as I hop out of bed, running a hand through my hair and fluffing it out like Emi showed me. It's been around a month since we resolved Tsukasa's stalker problem, and we've all grown a lot closer. But the closer I get to Tsukasa the worse I feel for him. I love being his friend; he's a great person, but I just can't find it in me to return his feelings, no matter how hard I try. So the past month has been me fully realizing my feelings for Junta and fully realizing my lack of feelings for Tsukasa.

I can't tell him. I can't. Not when I still want to be his friend. I know how he'd react: calmly but hurting like hell on the inside. That's just the kind of person he is.

I pull on my uniform, brush my teeth, and start downstairs. I can smell Tsukasa's homemade breakfast waiting for me and my mouth begins to water.

"Haru, you're finally up!" Junta announces happily from the couch. I smile at him and he returns it full force. As I do every morning, I try to find some deeper meaning behind that smile, some different way he does it just for me. And, as I do every morning, I find nothing but the kindest smile in the world. The smile he gives everyone.

I slump down in my seat tiredly, picking up the spoon and taking a dejected bite and Tsukasa gives me a look. "You'd better shovel that down, if you don't want to be late."

"You two jush go wishout me," I mumble through a mouthful of rice.

"No way!" Junta cries, and Tsukasa shakes his head.

"No way."

My heart sinks and I swallow, pushing the plate away. "I'll save the rest for after school."

They both frown.

"You always eat all of his food," Junta worries, getting up and walking over to me. "You barely ate any today. Won't you be hungry?"

"Is it bad?" Tsukasa asks and I quickly shake my head.

"I'm just...not that hungry." He doesn't look convinced, and neither does Junta, so I stand, pushing my chair back, and grab my school bag. "Let's not be late."

"At least wrap up your food before we leave," Tsukasa chides and I set my bag on the table and start into the kitchen for Saran Wrap. Once I find it I try to rip off a clean piece but it stretches annoyingly.

"Oh, let me help," Junta offers hurriedly, rushing to my side. His large hand overlaps mine and I feel my heart skip a beat. But I don't jump away, even though my body wants to. I'm not running from this anymore.

Junta easily rips off a piece and hands it to me, flushing as if just realizing what he did. I feel my own cheeks heat and I laugh nervously, sliding out of the kitchen.

After I wrap up my food we grab our bags and start out the door when I realize I'm missing my phone. I check every pocket and my bag but it's nowhere to be found, and we don't have time to check the whole house.

"T-Tsukasa?" I ask awkwardly. "I don't have my phone, can you call it?"

Surprising me, he shakes his head. "I can't."

I blink. Is he still annoyed that I had a romantic interaction with Junta? "What? Why?"

"My phone's broken."

We stare at him until Junta finally asks, "H-How?" at the same time as I blurt,


"Hey, you're the one who broke it the first time," he snaps, then sighs. "Funny thing is, it was kinda broken in the same way as I met you. I was going to the store for dinner ingredients yesterday and a girl opened it, knocking my phone out of my hand. It's completely shattered; won't even turn on."

"That's how you met?" Junta gasps and I sadly nod.

"I still feel bad about it. But seriously," I turn to Tsukasa, "that sucks. Do you want help paying for a new one?"

He shakes his head seriously. "It's my fault for not paying attention. Besides, I have money saved up; I'll get a cheap one."

"If you're sure..."

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