Junta route part 10

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I yawn as I stumble down the stairs, almost tripping more times than I'd like to and will admit. For some—I'm sure un-wizard related—reason, I was actually able to wake up on time, and my curiosity is making me come down to see the Hoshino-Tsukasa situation.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs I hear sizzling and a delicious smell hits my nose, with an undertone of something burning. I start toward the kitchen but pause when I hear laughter. Tsukasa's laughter.

"That's not how you make an octopus sausage, unless it's supposed to be a scared squid."

"It is supposed to be a squid," Hoshino argues shakily. "I'm burning it because...because that's how we make it in my house. Yeah!"

"You're not convincing anyone," he sighs. Why are you both so bad at cooking?"

"It's a special skill," I interject, stepping into the room. "Our cooking is just on a whole other level, one you can't appreciate."

"Oh, good morning, Haru." Tsukasa avoids my eyes, as he does a lot these days. "Someone fell asleep on me so we didn't have enough time to finish the lunches last night. We're almost finished, or we would be if the sausages turned out to be actual sausages."

Hoshino glares at him, still plucking the charred husks of what used to be octopus sausages out of a pan. "I'm sorry. I really am. But I already said that!"

"Sure, sure." Tsukasa sets out a breakfast plate for me before heading back into the kitchen to grab two more. Hoshino opens the fridge and searches for more sausages while I settle down and start eating. After a few minutes, I hear Junta coming down the stairs and I try to straighten out my hair and shirt. Tsukasa raises an eyebrow and I flush, making him look even more confused.

"G'morning..." Junta murmurs, rubbing his eye tiredly as he enters the room.

"Good morning," we all echo, and he settles down across from me. Tsukasa sets breakfast in front of him and he grins.

"You seem happier than usual," the ginger comments and we both flinch.

"Just...slept well," he tries, sending a nervous glance toward Hoshino, then to me. I nod. We're not having that conversation with her here.

Tsukasa doesn't look very convinced but he returns to the kitchen to watch over our guest.

"How'd you sleep?" Junta asks, smiling warmly. I feel my cheeks heat and I inwardly curse. I am not the flushing protagonist! But after last night, every time I look at him a million butterflies explode inside me from happiness.

"G-Good. No dreams."

"That's good. I dreamt..." He covers his mouth nervously, then takes a hurried bite of breakfast.

"You don't have to tell me," I assure him.

"It was a...good dream," he admits quietly, then yelps, "Not that kind of good dream! I-I would never—"

I chuckle and he smiles nervously, taking another bite. We eat in silence until Tsukasa and Hoshino finish the lunches and bring out their own plates.

"Man, this is awkward," Hoshino laughs, setting down her food. "I thought you're all besties, why's it so tense in here?" When the three of us don't respond she looks between us and then winces. "I shouldn't have said that, huh?"

"I-It's fine." Junta nods to her plate. "We should eat quickly. We don't want to be late."

"Right." She bites a huge mouthful, chewing quickly. Tsukasa smiles, but drops it when he notices me watching.

We finish eating, grab our lunches, and start off to school. At the first train station, Emi meets up with us, confused to see Hoshino, with good reason.

"It's a...long story," I sigh. "Hey, can one of you wizards put up a barrier or something?"

"Eh?" she squeaks, waving her hands in a panic at Hoshino. "H-He sounds crazy, huh? Don't worry, this is just one of our jokes! Ahaha...Wait, Wizards?"

"Oh, I know about the wizards," Hoshino states plainly. "I've got my own to deal with."

"Oh, really?" Emi laughs, embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

"You didn't have to say that so loudly," Kiki groans, appearing next to my head. "But don't worry, no one can hear us."


"Jeez, yours listens to you?" Hoshino complains. "Mine only messes with me."

"Kiki had some character development," I explain, and my egg laughs.

Just then the train pulls up next to us and we hop on.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Emi hisses to me. "This is kinda huge."

"There's a lot more than that," I admit, and she puffs out a cheek in annoyance. "I'll tell you tonight. I can call when we're both free."

"Fine, fine. Just tell me this much." She nods toward Junta, who's watching the city fly by outside the window with a lost expression. "Does it have something to do with Mr. Childhood friend over there?"

I smile giddily and she puts a hand over her mouth to cover a squeak. Once we've composed ourselves she pats me on the shoulder, nodding seriously.

"I'll allow it."

"What are you, my mom? But thanks." I smile at Junta, who doesn't notice. His profile watching the outside world is another thing I love about him, I realize. Emi approves, which means there's only one problem left. Too bad that's the worst one.

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