Part 70

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"Bahahaha!" comes from around the corner and Amin and Riporin jump out, dragging Junta along with them. I flinch, dropping my gaze to the ground as the girls continue laughing.

"Ryuya got rejected!" Amin cackles, holding her stomach. "And in the most painful way, too!"

"He deserves it though!" Riporin agrees, wiping at her eyes. "Ah, that was beautiful to watch."

"C'mon! Don't make light of my pain!" Ryuya cries, stumbling back. He cups his hands around his face and whimpers, "This is it for me. Just the fact that I like you makes me a laughing stock! Why would you do this to me?"

"I didn't do anything," I remind him. "You're the one who held onto unrequited love for four years."

"Y-Yeah. Thanks for the reminder," he groans into his hands.

"Are you okay?" Junta asks worriedly. "I'm sorry. Did I make you mad?"

"Why're you worried about me?" Ryuya looks up to Junta and I follow his gaze to the boy. His eyes flash to mine for a second and the last thing I see is his cheeks flush before I return my gaze to the ground.

"I'm the reason you left," Junta explains sadly. "Because I" Unable to think of what he did, he trails off awkwardly and Ryuya sighs.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing. I let jealousy get the best of me and I lashed out. You didn't do anything wrong." He walks toward Junta and puts a hand out like he did with me. "Haru's right. You've probably worked really hard to get to where you are now. I respect that."

Junta cheerily takes it. "Thank you. I'm glad I didn't do anything wrong."

"No need to thank me."

"We should get back," I realize. "They're probably wondering where we are."


As we start back Junta catches up to me, both of us not meeting the other's eyes.

" much of that did you hear?" I wonder worriedly. Now he knows I don't think he likes me, and that I'd consider someone like him an ideal boyfriend. All he has to do is tell me how he feels and I'd basically be forced to date him, which means losing the things I love—forever.

"Just the part that you're not interested in dating." He smiles sadly at me, like he's just given up something precious. "Don't worry, I won't—"

"Junta!" Ryuya calls from behind us. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sorry. I'll talk to you later." He hurries off and I watch him go with a warmth spreading in my chest. He's not going to pressure me about it. But of course not. How could I forget: Junta's a genuinely nice person who cares about me.

I smile as we enter the karaoke room. I'm ready to have fun again.

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