Part 46

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"Huh?" I pause exiting the store to look around for the voice that sounds like Tsuchiya. Once I spot him, I hurry over, not hiding my annoyance. "What's up?" I try to be polite; Tsuchiya is only Koganei's servant, he can't control the little brat.

"Good work today," he compliments me.

"T-Thanks..." Where is this going? Is this another one of Prince Charming's schemes?

I start to walk off, but he stops me with, "I don't know how to tell you how grateful I am."

"Sorry?" I turn back to see him bowing slightly.

"For changing him like this." He straightens, putting a hand across his chest. "Before he attended your school, Master Hijiri went to a school that would ensure his future. However, his father decided to send him to a public school to force him to take interest in the ordinary. But as he is anything but ordinary, he attracts others like him. He's been coddled his entire life, always having and receiving everything he wants."

"I see..." I wonder where this story's going.

"Because you were direct in your feelings, he finally understands what it is to be rejected and work for something. Because of you, Master Hijiri has taken an interest in the ordinary. I can't thank you enough."

"Oh." I laugh awkwardly. "Sure, but...I didn't really do anything. I'm just not like those guys or girls who flock around him. I'm my own person, and pure beauty isn't gonna win me over."

He nods. "If you don't mind me saying, you certainly are an exceptional young man."

I feel a smile push its way onto my face. "Thank you. I hope he gets better from here."

"I certainly hope so as well."

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