Part 52

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"Finally here!" Kiki shouts happily, raising a fist in the air.

I pull my sweaty shirt collar away from my neck. It's a pretty hot day outside but after a while of convincing Kiki finally got me to wear a long sleeved button up shirt with a sweater overtop, saying it looks great on me. Unfortunately that means I'm sweating buckets, making the walk here an uncomfortable one.

"Where are we going?" I groan, reconsidering his offer again. Is this day really worth a fun night of sushi with friends? Gah—Yes it is. Fine then. I'll just force my way through it.

"To the movies!" He points to the centerpoint of the mall: a huge red and white movie theater. "Watching a movie together is an essential part of a date! While the screen plays brightly, in the dark theater two hands brush on accident, making both parties blush. But then, slowly, one shifts their hand back over and wraps it around their partner's, and they stay like that until the film is over. And slowly, their lips overlap...Ahh, what beautiful romance!" He twirls around, hands clasped at his heart while I watch with disgust. Somehow having him talk about this makes it so much worse.

"Fine, then." I start toward the Cinema and he runs after me, grabbing my hand in his. I jerk away, staring at him in horror. "What are you doing?"

He holds out his hand expectancy. "Doing this is another essential part of a date! C'mon, Haru! Don't make me beg!"

"Actually, I think I'd like that," I grumble, wrapping my hands around each other for protection. "Go on."

"Hmph." He thinks, then taps his chin happily. "I'll pay for another sushi day, whenever you want with whoever you want! How 'bout that?"
I do want that, but holding his hand gives me such a strong feeling of revulsion I can hardly stand it. Still, the images of Kazuki and Junta's smiling faces—plus the taste of sushi—give me the strength to grab Kiki by the wrist and pull him toward the movie theater.

"O-Ow!" he yelps at my tight grip, making me feel a little better.

We reach the screen showing the different movies showing today and I glance over it, immediately spotting the one anime movie, albeit with a strange name, but an anime movie all the less.

"We should watch this one," I order, pointing to it. "It's a romance, so you'll probably like it."

Kiki studies the poster depicting two high schoolers facing apart under a pink sky of cherry blossoms. "I want to eat your—?" He glances at me worriedly. "Are you sure?"

"Well, it's the only thing here that interests me, even though it's about terminal illness. Looks like a typical tearjerker, but I'm too old to cry at movies like that."

"Ooh, maybe this will inspire me!" Kiki wrenches his hand out of my grip and runs to the front to buy us tickets.

"Please don't get any weird ideas," I mutter worriedly. I'd rather not be hospitalized to make the others fall in love with me.

He returns and we start into the darkness of the movie theater. Inside it starts and he scoots closer to me, offering a tub of popcorn. I reluctantly take a piece and he grins, putting out a hand. I turn back to the movie as if I don't notice and I can see him sigh out of the corner of my eye.

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