Part 105

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"Juntaaaaa!" Emi rushes down the street, jumping to the tall boy's arms. She leans back and smiles worriedly at him. "You be safe, okay? Will you be alright on your own? Did you learn how to cook?"

Junta nods. "Tsukasa taught me a few dishes. I'll be okay."

"You bet your ass I'm calling at least four times every week. And I'll visit, of course, on breaks and whenever I can," she promises, standing on her toes to pat his head.

"Hey, you're making me look bad!" I complain and she laughs.

"Probably because you didn't say enough. You tend to undersell your promises, Haru. I bet you'll be calling even more than I will."

I smile awkwardly. She's right, of course, but I didn't want to seem desperate in front of Tsukasa. But now that he's leaving, I regret not making better promises.

"It'll feel like you're still here, and you'll have new friends," I assure him and he frowns worriedly.

"What if they don't like me?"

"Huh?" Emi and I stare at him.

"Do you seriously not realize—" how likable you are...But I can't say that, not after I didn't like him back.

"Do you seriously not realize how likable you are!?" Emi finishes, stepping in for me with a smile in my direction. "If they don't like you, they're blind, deaf, and a dumbass. Trust me on that."

He smiles sadly, tears filling his eyes. "Thanks, guys." A moving truck pulls up behind him and he quickly wipes them away with the back of his sleeve. "I'd better go before this gets too sad," he laughs and Emi gives him one more tight hug before letting go with a bittersweet smile.

"It's already sad," I laugh back, stepping forward and wrapping my arms around his back. He gently hugs me back, knowing exactly what makes me comfortable. "But I'm happy for you."

We let go and he starts toward the truck, but the door opens behind me and Tsukasa rushes out, holding a wrapped lunchbox.


The boy turns as Tsukasa dodges me by an inch and runs down the pain toward his friend.
"You came." Junta smiles sadly. "I thought—"

"Sorry, I barely finished it in time." Tsukasa hands him the box and Junta takes it, careful not to tip it over. "I'm not going to miss this, so it might be a little...not perfect."

"It doesn't have to be." Junta puts a hand on top of the box happily. "Thank you for making this for me. I really appreciate it."

"It's the least I can do."

They stand there awkwardly until Junta gives up and laughs. "C'mere, you!" He pulls Tsukasa into a hug, the tall ginger looking slightly uncomfortable with the sudden contact. But after a second he hugs him back, smiling sadly.

"Good luck."

"Yeah." Junta closes his eyes and whispers so lightly I almost can't hear it, "Take care of Haru for me."

Tsukasa nods seriously as they pull away from each other. "I will. Don't worry."

I feel my heart contract and I look away guiltily. I still can't believe this is actually happening. But Junta has seemed happier about it since our short conversation a few days ago. I guess he's accepted it and is trying to look on the bright side of things, but he's also excited about the baseball team he's joining. I know less than nothing about baseball, so I don't really understand the terminology he uses when he gushes about how great they are, but I'm just happy he's happy.

"Hey, you coming?" the driver calls, rolling down the window, annoyed.

"Yeah! Sorry, just a second!" Junta calls back and we can hear him groan. "I guess I'd better go," he admits, smiling at us as Tsukasa joins us on the path. "I'll let you know how it goes..."

He turns back and starts toward the car, but I still feel like something's missing. Is this really the last moment we'll have like this, in this house, together? No, I can't let him leave like this.


He looks back hopefully and I grin as widely as I can.

"See you soon."

His genuine smile returns and he nods. "Yeah. See you, Haru. A-And Tsukasa! And Emi, of course!"

I laugh. Tsukasa sighs endearingly.

"Just get going already."

"Love you, Junta!" Emi calls, grinning even wider than I am, but up close I can see it's forced. "We're all cheering you on!"

He turns back, a spring in his step this time as he reaches the truck and gets in the passenger seat. I see him waving at the truck growls and starts off, and we all wave back. And before I know it, he's disappeared around the corner of the street.

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