Part 92

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My eyes flutter open and I frown, sitting up in the hospital bed. My hands immediately fly to my forehead, but the wound is patched up, a bandage running around my head to keep it safe.

I sigh in relief. It all worked out. No one was hurt and Tsukasa can finally...Wait.

I leap out of bed and rush to the door, throwing it open. I don't know if everything is okay; I passed out before I saw it through. What if she escaped? What if she hurt someone else? What if she got to Tsukasa and did something to him?

"Wait!" A female voice calls as I start down the hall. I turn and a police officer catches up to me. "I'm glad you're up, but you shouldn't be running around just yet, okay?"

"Where are my friends? What happened?" I ask in a panic.

She smiles gently. "Everyone is fine. We apprehended the woman before she could do any more harm. They're all waiting for you in the lobby. I'll escort you there."

I nod and follow her through the twisting halls and out into a large entrance room. There are a few worried looking families, but my eyes immediately focus on the four people I want to see more than anything: Junta, Emi, Arisa and Tsukasa, all waiting with worried expressions. When Emi sees me she jumps up and rushes to hug me. I don't mind this time, and she knows that.

"You idiot!" she cries into my shirt. "You said you'd tell me if you were getting hurt again!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I pat her head as she shakes it.

"I should've been there. I'm sorry! I could've—"

"Fought off an armed stalker?" I laugh, the situation finally seeming humorous to me. "Neither of us could do that, and you know it."

She lets go as the rest of our friends surround me. Arisa bows to the policewoman, who does the same and leaves.

"Haru, are you really okay?" Junta worries, reaching out like he wants to hug me but pulling back at the least second.

I nod. "It wasn't that deep and I'm all patched up. But really, you didn't all need to wait for me—"

"Don't even start!" Emi snaps. "You could've been in real danger. We were all super worried!"

I smile. "Thanks. Really."

"Haru, I—" Tsukasa starts, but is cut off by a tall, white haired man stalking into the building followed by a woman with the same orange hair as my friend.

"Tsukasa," he starts.

He stiffens. "Mom, dad. What are you doing here?"

The man stops in front of me, then bows deeply. "You must be Haru Mori. I sincerely apologize for all the harm my son has caused you."

"Ah...I'm really not..." I try, but he ignores me and walks to Tsukasa, who watches him nervously. He turns, grabs his son's head, and pushes it down into a bow while he does the same.

"Agh—ow," Tsukasa mutters, wincing.

"We both deeply apologize. I hear your parents are overseas, so we will return later for a final apology. For now, we're leaving." He lets go of Tsukasa, who straightens just in time for his father to grab his arm and drag him toward the door. "You're coming too."

The orange haired boy doesn't argue and I feel anger boil in the pit of my stomach. After what I just went through, I have probably too much confidence that I can deal with anything. I stride confidently after them, grabbing Tsukasa's arm and pulling it out of his father's grip.

"I'm sorry, I don't know the full situation or your family dynamics. But I do know..." I straighten and look him straight in the eye, "that a father should be there for his son when he's going through tough times. But you were never there for him, not when it started and not now. You should've protected him, not blamed him. But I will." I turn toward the door and start marching away, bringing Tsukasa with me. "Let's go, Tsukasa."

He nods breathlessly.

"We should go too," Emi agrees happily, taking Junta's hand pulling him after us.

"Hey!" Tsukasa's father yells after us. "You can't say that to a grownup! Who taught you your manners?"

I don't reply, pushing open the door. Behind me I can hear Arisa laughing.

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