Part 74

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Walking down the hallway as usual, thinking of a new game as usual, I hear whispers start to break out around me. I know they're not talking about me; at least, I pray they're not.

I've grown to understand what kind of whispers they are, even if I can't pick out words. These ones aren't mean or teasing, but awed, shocked and ready to spread gossip.

Immediately my eyes follow the audience's to a group of three girls walking down the hall in front of me. One immediately catches my eye, mostly because of how uncomfortable she looks in the center of the whispers. Words from the crowd start to jump out at me: "Emi Tsukumo!" "Cute!" "Wish I could date her!"

I frown. Poor thing. I've met her a few times, since our families are friends, but I doubt she remembers me. It's not like I can do anything to help her. The last thing I want to do is cause a scene. If people don't know I exist, that's the best possible thing for me.

Sorry, Tsukumo. You're on your own.

A blond short haired girl stomps down the hall the opposite way from us, her mean eyes locked onto Tsukumo. I feel like I've seen her before, but I can't quite place where. But I know the drill from here: a harsh bump to the shoulder, enough to make the books fall out of your hands, perfect for stomping on. Even better, it can look like an accident if they do it well enough. Well enough that no one believes you when you look to what should be help.

I shake the thoughts away. I'm not the one in danger here, she is. Not that I can do anything, I remind myself. I'm pathetic and weak, and I cry easily. I can't confront anyone, not even myself. She's better off if I don't help at all, really.

The girl shifts her course, putting her shoulder up and ramming it into Tsukumo's. She yelps, her books falling to the ground and the girl glares at her.

"Watch where you're going, princess," she growls before marching on. And that's the end of—

"Hold it!"

"Huh?" The girl looks back, and I do as well, to see Tsukumo glaring daggers in her direction, which I unfortunately happen to be in. "The hell do you want?"

"I want to know why you ran into me," she says calmly, turning even more heads. I'm in shock. How can she face this bully head on, without looking the slightest bit afraid? How much confidence must she have?

"You're the one who ran into me!" the blond girl snaps back, spinning on her heel and stomping back to get right up in Tsukumo's face. When the girl doesn't respond, blondie laughs. "Scared stiff, you little whore?"

"Hey!" One of Tsukumo's friends cries.

"Yeah, that's not cool!" the other one agrees angrily.

"Oh!" Tsukumo laughs back cheerfully, as if she can't hear her friend's complaints. "You're mad because the guy you like likes me instead? That's kinda sad, isn't it? Maybe you should just become more likable! How about that?"

"Hah!? You wanna die?" The girl raises a fist and Tsukumo flinches.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" It takes me a second to recognize that voice as my own and I cover my mouth in surprise.

"What was that?" The girl wheels on me and I flinch back, shrinking under her glare. Oh, right. She was the one who distracted the teacher while the boys hid the key to the locker I was in. I forget her name. There's so many of them, I've given up trying to remember names at this point.

"T-There's a lot of witnesses," I whimper quietly, stumbling back as she advances on me. "N-No one would be on your side. I just...I-If you punch her, you might regre-ret it."

"Oh? Gay little spring forest wants to add to this? I thought you learned that no one wants your opinion!"

My eyes burn and sheshe laughs, throwing her head back. Of course. This is what I get for standing up to them. Why did I think I could do anything? Change anything? I'm the same useless—


"Eh?" My eyes fly open and I look around the blond girl to see Tsukumo grinning at me.

"Thanks for standing up to me, Mori! I really appreciate it! And he's right, you know," she directs at the other girl, "about the witnesses. You probably don't want to do anything to either of us, not with this many people around, right?"

She grinds her teeth so loudly I can almost hear it before finally stomping around me and down the hall, people jumping out of her way.

I stand there panting, cold sweat coating my forehead and back as everyone pretends to not have seen anything. Tsukumo makes her way over to me, still smiling, her two friends trailing behind her.

"You okay?"

"I..." I force a smile despite the fear still clouding my mind. "Y-Yeah. Fine. Thanks."

"No way, I'm the one thanking you!" she insists. "Also, was what she said true? About you being gay?" I flinch at the word and she realizes her mistake, quickly amending, "Not straight? Is that any better?"

I nod. It's only a little bit better, but I'll take that. What I really want is for no one to mention it, for me not to feel guilty for not telling people. Or should just be normal, and everyone should accept it. Hah. Yeah right.
Realizing she's waiting patiently for an answer, I yelp, "Y-Yeah! It's true."

"Cool!" She grins even wider. "Wanna be friends?"

What? I stare at her. Doesn't she think I'm a creep? Doesn't she hate my guts just for existing in the same world as her? Oh, wait, she's messing with me. She's going to act all nice and then bam! Another betrayal.

"I'm not messing with you," she adds, as if mind reading isn't a big deal for her. "I can't really be friends with guys since they all fall in love with me, but I've always wanted a guy friend, so you're perfect!" She thinks for a second, then yelps, "Ah, wait! That makes it sound like I am using you! Let me rephrase that—"

"Okay," I mumble quietly, my heart pounding. "I'll be your friend, Tsukumo. If you'll have me."

She blinks at the interruption before a huge smile spreads over her face. "Yay! That's awesome! Welcome to the team, Mori! Oh, and you can call me Emi."

"Emi..." I repeat quietly.

"Yep! And these are Amin and Riporin." She points to her two friends, who wave kindly. I wave back, a little awestruck.

"Nice to meet you, Mori!" Riporin smiles at me.

"Same here!" Amin agrees cheerfully.

"Thank you." I feel tears well up in my eyes and I quickly wipe them away, feeling embarrassed at the many pairs of eyes I can still feel on my back. "Call me Haru." I freeze. Is that too sudden? Should I take it back? No, it's too late to say "Actually don't call me that." That would be even worse!

"Nice!" Emi cheers like she's just won a huge victory. "Haru. That's a pretty name."

My eyes widen as I stare at her. No one's ever said that to me. It feels nice, it feels really nice.

I think I just made my first friend.

Romantic Killer But I Made It GayWhere stories live. Discover now