Part 56

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"Say I "love Kiki!"" Kiki cries, wrapping an arm around me as the camera flashes. I shove him away and try to dash out of the booth, but he grabs my sleeve and yanks me back in roughly, grinning and turning my face toward the camera as it flashes again. After a few more escape attempts, I give up and slump into the booth seat for the last few photos.

Once Kiki lets go of me I stumble out into the bright world, but I don't have time to reorient myself before he pulls me to the next attraction in the second mall: a crane game. We play a few times and I even win a weird looking cat before Kiki drags me off again. We stop at a few more stores, and after a while I almost forget who's company I'm in. It almost feels like I'm on a real date.

After buying drinks, we end off walking to a bench overlooking a small lake, where we settle down, me as far away from Kiki as I can be.

"'d you like it?" He laughs as he hoists the stuffed cat into the air like a baby lion.

"I ended up actually having fun," I grumble reluctantly. "But don't let that go to your head."

"Never!" He tosses it in the air and I reach up and grab it before he can, finally using my height—at least over him—to my advantage. "Geh—" He frowns, but quickly shakes it off. "I learned a lot today, so thanks." He scoots over  and leans on my shoulder. "This feels romantic too—sitting on a park bench together."

I press the cat over his face, pushing him away with it like it's a glove. "I might suffocate you with this if you get too close, just warning you."

"Ehe..." He scoots a few inches away and I nod approvingly. Looking out over the lake, he sighs wistfully. "In the winter it would be dusk, which would be even more romantic. We could watch the reflection of the moon in the lake as we hold each other's hands..."

"I couldn't really be seen with you in the dark either," I comment sarcastically. "And I wouldn't have to see you. I like your way of thinking."

"That's not what I meant at all," He groans. "You know, in my opinion, you're not very normal either."

"Excuse me," I snap, crossing my arms. "I just don't like having my favorite things confiscated and being dragged around by an evil egg demon."

"I thought human nature was to choose whatever you have in front of you, and not push it away," he complains. "I mean, how can doing what you're doing be good evolution?"

I shrug. "To each their own. I don't find anything wrong with people who hop from boyfriend to boyfriend or girlfriend to girlfriend, but I think I'm a little different." I open my hand and stare into my palm as if it holds all the answers. Of course, nothing looks back. "I wouldn't say I'm more stubborn than most people, but I don't like being dragged around or forced into things. There are tons of amazing, stubborn, strong people out there, I can't help but feel inadequate. I'm just going to get what I can with the strength I have." I turn to him with a challenging smile. "I hope you're ready."

His eyes widen, sparkling like bright blue diamonds as they stare into mine and I jump to my feet in horror.

"What?" he wonders, watching my every movement.

"What?" I echo angrily. "I saw that look! Unless you tell me you're not in love with me, I'm never talking to you again, got it you little—?"

"How scary!" he interrupts laughingly. "I'm just a wizard who makes all your wishes and dreams come true. And besides, this is just a mock date. Don't worry."

I don't really trust anything he says, but that's the best I'm going to get for now. I check the time, then glance at the sky.

"Anyway, we should get going. I don't want to walk home in the dark."

Kiki smiles in a way I don't quite understand as he hops up and grabs his drink.

"Alright. I'll follow your lead then."

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