Part 22

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"Sorry, I can't eat with you today!" Emi scurries around me, packing up her things. "A guy asked me to eat lunch with him! I'm so excited!"

"A guy?" I ask suspiciously. "Do I get details?" I try to match her hyper tone and she laughs.

"Oh, it's just...Aren Kimura!" She pauses dramatically for effect, and I sigh.

"Yeah...I have no clue who that is."

She huffs, picking up the last of her things. "It really is only 2D for you, huh? He's only the hottest boy in class three. Anyway, I don't want to be late!"

"Why does every class except for ours have a hot guy in it?" I mutter as she starts for the door.

"Then you should bring your hot guy here," she concludes, sliding it shut behind her.

"He's not mine!" I yell after her and I hear her laugh fading down the hallway.


I jump, whipping around to see Kazuki watching me strangely from the other doorway. Immediately whispers start leaping like wildfire throughout the room, mostly from the girls. I hear a few "How do they know each other?"'s and a couple "What's their relationship like? Are they friends?"'s, but I decide to ignore them.

"What's up?" I really hope he just got here and didn't hear any of that, especially Emi's last comment.

"I need to talk to you." He jabs a thumb into the hallway behind him and I get up, grabbing my things and following him as he starts out. He leads me out of the school and to a secluded spot under the stairs, then pulls out his lunch box. Or, actually, my lunch box.

"Oh, did I pack the wrong one?" I laugh awkwardly. "Sorry, I was kinda in a rush this morning."

"Still, I'm surprised you managed it," he mutters, handing me his wrapped lunch as I give him his.

"Oh! There you are!" a boy's voice calls, and the blue haired kid from the train station runs over, holding a pile of food in his arms. "Tsukasa! I've been looking all over for you...Eh?" He peers around Kazuki to stare at me. "Who's this?"

"Haru Mori," I introduce myself. "And you?"

"I'm Makoto Oda," he replies cheerfully. "I'll call you Haru, and you can call me Makoto, okay?" Then he notices the lunch boxes in our hands and blinks at Kazuki, asking for answers.

"He helped me out when my room flooded," the orange haired boy explains, "so I decided to thank him."

That's mostly true. Except for the part where it's my fault his room flooded so I kinda had to help him, which he doesn't know, thank God. Oh, and the part where he's currently living with me. But hey, who needs to know that?

"Can you not mention this to anyone?" Kazuki asks.

"Sure, sure! The girls would go crazy jealous, even though you're a guy!" he directs at me, laughing. Kazuki gives me a pitying look that makes me feel sick. "Oh, right, Haru!" Makoto realizes. "You're the one Renacchi was talking about!"

"Renacchi?" I ask, feeling stupid.

"Rena," He clarifies. When I give him a blank stare he adds, "She said she and her friend went to a cafe with you, but then you and Tsukasa ran away together. She said she thinks you—" he blinks, then laughs. "I probably shouldn't add that part." Before I can ask what that means he starts off toward a dip in the schoolyard where chairs are built into the ground. "Let's not stand around talking, let's eat sitting down!" He grins up at me from the bottom of the dip. "You too, Haru!"

I feel my mouth unintentionally quirk into a smile. "Makoto sure is friendly, huh?"

"Yeah." Kazuki smiles gently. "Also, I told everyone I'm staying with a relative till I can find a room."

I nod. "I figured. Don't worry, I have told anyone."


We settle down in the dip and I open my lunchbox. The food inside sparkles in the sunlight and Makoto gasps. "That looks delicious!" He turns to Kazuki and whines, "Why don't you ever make me lunch like that?"

"I would if you ever did something to deserve it," Kazuki replies calmly, taking a bite of his lunch.

"Kazuki's great at cooking," I gush. "Much better than me."

"That's a low bar." He takes another bite, looking satisfied with himself.

"Lucky! Hey, switch places with my mom or sisters!" Makoto begs.

"You have sisters?" I ask. At his glance I explain, "I'm an only child, so I'm a little jealous. What's it like?"

"Oh," he huffs, "believe me, you're lucky. They leave their makeup everywhere, they walk around in their underwear, and they tease me about everything I say. My dreams of girls have been crushed by them."

"Then don't dream of girls," I offer.

He blinks at me. "What?"

"I mean," I quickly amend, "what's wrong with being single forever? I've accepted it!"

He laughs. "Right! You worried me for a second there!"

I feel my heart sink and I catch Kazuki giving me another look that I wish I could wipe off his face. I don't need pity, I'm used to all of this. My skin is thick enough for it not to hurt. Well, not to hurt that much.

"Tsukasa has an older sister," Makoto informs me. I'm more happy he changed the subject than to learn that.

"Really?" I turn to Kazui. "She must be beautiful."

"She is." Makoto takes a bite of his chocolate bun. "D'ya have a picture of her?"

"I don't carry one around with me," Kazuki sighs. "That's creepy."

"Oh yeah, I guess so!" Makoto laughs around the food in his mouth, taking another, bigger bite.

"Wow, you're quite the eater," I notice.

"Sure am!" He pushes the pile of chocolate buns over, and, perfectly placed in the middle is a box of sushi.I feel myself start to salivate and he notices my gaze locked onto it. "You want a roll?"

I nod, unable to control myself. "Thank you!"

"You sound desperate," Kazuki comments dryly. I reach for the first roll I see, one with what looks like crab and avocado, but just as my fingers graze the top of it a force hits my hand, making me pull away in pain.

"Sushi shield!" Kiki cries, blasting me away as I reach for the sushi again. I grab my hand with my other, stretching out my bruised fingers.

"You...okay?" Makoto asks, confused.

"Sorry! I shouldn't have asked!" I yelp averting my gaze. "I'm on a diet!"

"A diet?" Kazuki raises an eyebrow, and I know he's thinking back to this morning when I gobbled down his fried rice. "Since when?"

"I can't eat sushi," I sigh, deciding to ignore his comment.

"Oh, that's too bad." Makoto takes the roll I was reaching for and pops out onto his mouth. I watch sadly as he eats every other roll in the box, and then every chocolate bun, leaving nothing but crumbs and grains of rice. Kiki is going to rue the day it came to me, I swear to God. But, for now, eating Kazuki's lunch isn't so bad, I guess.

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