Junta route part 6

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Once the two are finished drying off, Tsukasa hands Hoshino the spare umbrella and she puts her shoes back on, avoiding everyone's eyes.

She's just going to go home, and that'll be the end of it. There's no way Kiki would let another branch go through my door. But if Kiki's not the one controlling this situation...I don't know what could happen.

Hoshino reaches for the door handle, then stops, her hand shaking.

"What's wrong?" Tsukasa asks and she flinches, not turning around. "Why were you really hiding out at the park? What happened?"

"Ahaha..." She turns back to us nervously. "There was a...a—" Her face contorts and she sinks to the floor. "I can't say it."

"A robber?" Tsukasa guesses.

"No, a—"

"A roach," I finish for her, feeling my heart sink when she squeaks and wraps her arms around herself.

"Another one?" Tsukasa sighs, pressing a hand to his forehead. "Why is everyone around me terrified of roaches?"

"Because they're terrifying!" Junta, Hoshino and I yell, and he raises an eyebrow.

"I could go get it."

"Eh?" Hoshino looks up at him pitifully. "You'd do that? Ah—" She gets to her feet and dusts herself off, making the most serious face I've ever seen. "No, I can...I can handle it on my own."

I can't say anything. I can only watch as the past plays out in front of me.

"Don't worry." Tsukasa points to me jokingly. "I caught a roach for him when we first met. He can vouch for me."

It's all I can do to nod.

"T-Then...maybe it wouldn't be so bad..." Hoshino forces out, her eyes glazed over.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit," Tsukasa calls as he walks to the door and slips on his shoes. "I brought back dinner, so heat that up."

"Are you sure?" Junta worries. "It's really storming out there. It might be dangerous."

"I'll walk her home, and it's convenient," he tries to reason, opening his umbrella while Hoshino frowns.

"You don't have to..." Her argument isn't very forceful when she obviously wants him to help.
"I want to."

Her cheeks flush she stammers something about cats before giving in and opening her umbrella as well.

Tsukasa nods to us, opens the door, and starts to take a step out when a gust of wind pulls it from his grasp, slamming it against the side of the house as the rain pours in. He struggles to pull it closed, breathing heavily. Our eyes meet and a look of understanding passes between us.

"I can run home," Hoshino suggests worriedly. "You really don't have to come."

"Wait!" I yelp as she reaches for the door again. "I don't want another branch through my door! We just fixed the last one!"

She frowns in confusion, still opening the door. "I don't think there's a big chance that—"

I hear a sound like a missile homing in on my house and a second later, a stop sign crashes through the new window in the door. Hoshino yelps, jumping back and Tsukasa rushes forward to pull it shut.

We all stand in silence, staring at the metal pole protruding from the door. The wind whistles through the cracks, seeping cold into the house. Finally Hoshino turns to me with a guilty but surprised expression.

"I'm sorry. But how...This has happened to you before?"

"It's all because of that damn wizard," I groan, not even bothering to keep it a secret. Actually, this will be like a test: if she doesn't have a wizard, she'll think I'm crazy, and if she does have a wizard she'll know what I'm talking about.

Hoshino stares at me in shock. "W-Wizard? Can you—" she leans in, whispering, "Can you see them?"

"Nope. But I have in the past."

Tsukasa nods and her eyes dart back and forth between the two of us. "How!? I thought..." She glares at the air around her, calling, "Hey! Riri! Explain yourself!"

"Riri?" Junta gasps, finally catching on to the situation. "Wasn't that the wizard that replaced Kiki? Oh...Oh! Anzu Hoshino! That's right!" He points at Hoshino excitedly, then glances at me and laughs. I smile endearingly. He's trying his best, the poor kid.

"Kiki! I know you're here!" I call into the house, and in a second she appears in a puff of smoke, frowning when she sees Hoshino.

"What's she doing here, Riri?"

The same egg we saw when Kiki disappeared slowly pushes themselves out of the door, as if crawling through an invisible portal. Once they pop out, they laugh awkwardly, scratching the back of their yellow neck with a black, gangly hand. "Hiiii, Kiki! Fancy seeing you here..."

"You're messing with my mission!" my human egg squeals angrily.

"I'm just running my own mission..." Riri whistles nonchalantly, avoiding her eyes. "It only happens to overlap with yours."

Kiki reverts to their egg form with a puff of smoke and beckons Riri into the living room. "Let's take this somewhere else."

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