Part 53

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"Huh." Kiki taps his chin thoughtfully as we exit the theater, grabbing my hand again. "That was more in depth than I thought, although I still don't get the title. Haru, do you...are you crying?"

I wipe my eyes furiously. "N-No way." Damnit, I thought I was stronger than this. But the way it ended...when the main character started crying I couldn't hold myself together, not to mention he had almost the same name as me.

He laughs. "You're really just a big baby, aren't you? That's so cute!" Pulling out a notepad from thin air, he starts jotting down bullet points with one hand. "This was quite educational, thanks. I think that was a good choice."

"This day can't get worse," I groan, feeling my cheeks heat in embarrassment. Do it for the sushi. The sushi!

"Oh! It's Haru!"

I freeze, forcing myself to look up and see Kazuki and Makoto, the blue haired boy waving excitedly and Kazuki staring intently at something between Kiki and me. That's when I remember I'm still holding his hand–or, more, he's holding mine. I try to jerk away but his grip tightens until it feels like I'm holding hands with a statue, keeping me in place.

"Ooh! You must be Kazuki and Oda!" Kiki cries happily. "What a coincidence seeing you here!"

"We were just watching a movie..." Kazuki's eyes slowly run up my arm to meet mine. "Who is this, Mori?"

"It's a long story–"

"Hiya!" Kiki interrupts, raising out connected hands. "I'm Koi Mori, Haru's cousin and Kiki's twin sister! We're just enjoying our mock date!"

"What?" Makoto blinks at me in surprise, then laughs. "Oh, you're that way? Cool, dude."

"N-No!" I yelp, trying to wriggle my hand out of Kiki's without much success. "I mean, yes, but no. Not with my cousin!"

He laughs again, harder this time. "Yeah, duh."

"Are you okay?" Kazuki finally notices my tear stained face and frowns worriedly. "What happened?"


"Apparently my cousin is the type to cry at terminal illness," Kiki laughs. "Isn't that the funniest thing?"

"Who wouldn't?" I snap, bonking him on the head. Makoto and Kazuki give him a weird look.

"H-Hey, it's cool. I'd cry if I watched a movie like that...probably," Makoto tries, which only makes me feel worse. I feel my cheeks heat and I look away before I can catch Kazuki's gaze.

"Well, we're gonna continue on our date!" Kiki wraps an arm around my shoulders and I elbow him in the face.

"Mock date, asshole." I grab his shirt and drag him off, calling back to our audience, "Sorry, he's just a very touchy person. Don't think anything of it."

"Okaaay! Bye Haru and Haru's cousin!" Makoto calls cheerily, waving. I wave back awkwardly with one hand, pulling Kiki along with my other. The last I see of them is Kazuki frowning suspiciously after us.

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