Part 12

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I wait in the living room while Kazuki makes the rest of the food, and he only lets me back in once he's turned everything off and double checked to make sure it's safe.

"You seriously are like my dad," I comment jokingly as he lets me in. "I'm not going to—" The two boxes stuffed full of food catch my eyes and I'm immediately glued to them, forgetting my sentence. They seem to sparkle in the dim kitchen light, the rolls perfectly wrapped, the rolled omelet perfectly round, the sausages cut into perfect tiny octopuses. But the most perfect thing of all is the sushi. It feels like it's been years since I've seen sushi, and it's never been this beautiful to be, in all its glory.

"Can I...have one?" I whisper, pointing to the closest roll to me.

"Sure." Kazuki shrugs. "It's one less you get tomorrow, but—"

Without waiting for him to finish, I grab the roll and stuff it in my mouth, feeling the warm rice stick to my tongue and the fish separate into tiny pieces, the flavor spreading throughout my mouth.

"I thought I should give you a reward for getting this far," Kiki says, patting me on the head with its wand.

"Thank you," I whisper to the egg. "You're slightly better than I thought you were. At least you're not completely heartless."

"What?" I look up to see Kazuki staring at me in shock. "You thought I was heartless? Where'd you get that from?"

"Ah—" I take back everything I just said about Kiki. It is a monster. The amount of evil it takes to end the spell then is..."No! I didn't mean that! I was about myself."

Kazuki shakes his head. "It's fine. I know I can seem mean on the outside, but I promise I'm not as bad as you think. I'm sorry if my staying here has made you uncomfortable, but I really appreciate it." He bows to me and I jump back.

"It's not! I swear! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. The sushi corrupted my brain." I extend a hand to him and he looks up, unsure of whether to take it. "Come on. Stop bowing if you don't want to make me uncomfortable."

Finally he takes it and straightens, smiling awkwardly. Something about his mood has changed, like he's more careful around me. But why, I can't figure out.

He seems to smile a lot, actually, I realize as we're washing dishes together. Emi said he's this cool jerk who never smiles or laughs, but I've actually had a lot of fun with him, which surprises me. I've never had this kind of fun with another guy before. Most of them are weirded out by me or make comments that make the situation awkward. That's why I've always hung out with girls, which only makes me less masculine in their eyes. Well, he doesn't know what I'm really like, so maybe he's that way too, but for now I can just enjoy being in his company.

Which doesn't mean I'm in love with him or anything. I mean, I can still be friends with him without dating him. Friends. Yeah, that sounds nice. Besides, he's straight anyway, so there's no chance of us dating.

I blink. "Kiki, Kazuki is straight, right? What's your plan here?"

Kiki pops into existence, nodding along. "Good point." It spins around, pointing its wand at me and I flinch. "Or it would be if you were correct! But, fortunately for me, you're not! You think I don't have the power to change someone's feelings? And especially strengthen them towards someone they're always interested in? Bahahaha! You fool! This is all part of my plan!"

"You changed his sexuality?" I cry, flinging soapy water at the egg, who dodges, still grinning. "You can't just do that to someone! That—That's not allowed!"

"But it seems no one's come to arrest me!" it laughs, still dodging my attacks.

"He's a person! That's morally unjust!"

"Who says I have morals?"

I sigh, defeated, and go back to washing dishes. Kazuki hasn't looked up, so I guess Kiki's spell to hide us taking must've worked. Thank God. No, not even god's on my side right now.

We finish up and return to the living room, drying our hands on our pants.

"What should we play next?" I gush, taking out the deck of cards again.

"I don't know." Kazuki starts into the house. "I'm going to the bathroom, why don't you figure it out while I'm gone?"

"Go ahead!" I glance at the clock as he leaves. It's already past eleven but I'm wide awake, like I've had five cups of coffee, which is  not a good idea, do not recommend.

"Speed or memory game?" I murmur to myself. I want to give us equal chances of winning, so I'll pick something with half luck and half skill. After all, I'm just aiming for friendship here, since he'll either hate me or want to be my friend after this. I wonder who that blue haired guy was? If he's Kazuki's friend, what's he like? Am I cut out to be his friend?

"Stop spacing out!" Kiki cries, grabbing the cards out of my hand.

"Hey!" I complain. "The hell's wrong with you?"

"There's no time for cards! You're acting like elementary kids!"

"And what's wrong with that?" I reach for the cards but it flies out of reach.

"I want to see some romance! Some xxx and xxxxxxx! My plan to get you to run into each other in the shower didn't work, so—"

I grab the deck of cards and smack it upside the head with it, sending it flying into the roof. "I'll stick that goddamn wand up your butt if you ever try that!"

It quickly bounces down to float at eye level, thinking. "Perhaps you're needing a touch of magic to really get together."

"Yeah right," I scoff. "I told you, I'm not gonna fall for your—"

It spins around once, then flies at me full force, whacking me in the forehead with its wand. I tumble back, my head landing on the couch as the world starts to go dark. "You...bastard. What did you do?"

"It's time for children to go to sleep..." Kiki's voice fades out as I slowly lose consciousness and the world fades to black.

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