Part 14

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The school day passes as usual, and before I know it it's lunch time. I grab my carefully wrapped box and head to the cafeteria where Emi and I always eat. She's waiting for me, bouncing in her seat excitedly.

"So, do I get details?" she gushes as I sit down. "I mean, I get what happened last night is totally confidential, but seriously, I need to know. What happened?"

"Nothing." I calmly place my lunch in front of me. "Nothing happened."

"Suuuuure." She grins at me, leaning in to whisper, "My best friend got with the hottest guy in school! I'm so happy I know you!"

"I did not—" I lean in as well, hissing, "I did not get with him! He just couldn't go home because of the storm and he slept over."

"With you?"

"No! I slept in the—he..."

"Hmmm?" She smirks. "Run out of excuses?"

"Well..." I lean back and mutter, "I...ah...I might've slept on his lap..."

Emi muffles a squeal, jumping back in her seat, grinning like she's been proposed to. "Oh. My. God. You're kidding. That's...That actually might be true!"

"You mean you didn't believe I slept with him?" I'm not sure what to think of that. I'm just glad Kazuki isn't at school today so there's no chance for him to hear this.

"You did! Just...differently." She laughs lightly.
My frown breaks down and I laugh along with her. I really did. That happened, even though I didn't want it to. But, deep down, I'm really happy I met him.

My phone rings and I jump, pulling it out to see an unknown number calling me. I pick up and put it to my ear, hearing Kazuki's voice say, "I think the pan had some of your disaster left on it. I can taste the sadness of the egg."

"Geh—" I sigh. "I'm sorry. I said I'm sorry, right?"

"Apologize to the dead egg first. Anyway, are you free after school?"

"Yeah." I notice Emi grinning at me and I cup the phone to my face to make sure she can't hear him. "I've got no plans."

"Good. Can we meet at the coffee shop around the corner from the school? I need to talk to you about something."

I feel my cheeks heat. Kazuki wants to see me specifically for something. I can't help but feel honored. "Sure. I'll—"

"Thanks. See you then." The call disconnects with a click.

"He didn't even tell me why..." I mutter, forgetting Emi is still watching me carefully.

"He wants to see you? Why?"

"Don't listen in on my phone calls."

"You're redder than a beet, you know."

"Shut up."

She laughs. "You must be excited. I know I would be."

I sigh and unwrap my lunch, opening the box and reaching for an octopus sausage.

"Oh! You actually made lunch today?" Emi looks confused, like she can't believe I would ever do that. Then it turns to a smirk. "Did Kazuki make that?"

I fumble my chopsticks, almost dropping the sausage. I stuff it into my mouth before I can dig myself deeper into this grave. How in the world do I explain to her I can't date him because I have to get my family, games and sushi back? Wait, can't I just tell her? Emi is my best friend, and we've always shared everything with each other.

No, I don't want to get her involved in my mess. Just look at Kazuki: he had a good house and phone and school supplies, and all of that's gone now because of me. Just what would Kiki do to Emi if I told her? I don't know what boundaries that little demon has. Right now, it doesn't seem like it has any.

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