Part 23

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The bell rings, signaling that it's time to head home. I sigh. What's even the point in going home if I can't play my games? What am I supposed to do? Emi is busy on a date with her new love interest, and I don't feel comfortable inviting Junta over, when I just met him today. Even Kazuki has work, so I'll be home alone. Maybe I should start job hunting, if not only to have something to do.

"Mori," a high pitched voice calls from behind me. Without turning around, I already know who it is. Rena, was it? Kazuki's stalker. I pretend not to hear her and speed up, but I barely make it to the corner before a hand grabs my sleeve. I turn reluctantly, and I'm greeted by the not so lovely sight of the two stalkers glaring at me.

"Got a minute?" the blue haired one asks, her arms crossed in what I think is supposed to be a threatening way.

"Sorry," I wave her off, "I'm busy."

"With what?" Rena snaps.

"Walking home?" And more importantly not being around you.

"Let us join you!" Her smile is strangely snake-like.

"I'd rather not."

"Then come with us," the other girl orders.

Well, time to pull out my trump card. "Sorry, girls, I know you really want to meet with me in secret, but I've got enough friends and I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now, so your time is better spent elsewhere."

Both of of them flush in anger and embarrassment, and I hear a few passing students snicker. But Rena doesn't let go, and instead tries to drag me back in the direction where she'd come from.

"Are you crazy?" I yell, grabbing her hand. "You're gonna rip my shirt!"

"Could you please just come with me!?" she yells back, still beet red. "It won't take that long!"

Seeing as they're really not going to let me go, I sigh. I guess the worst they can do is use words, since I'm stronger than the both of them combined, so there's really no harm in hearing them out. Well, there is, but I decide to ignore that and nod. Rena lights up and pulls me through the school and to an empty spot outside the back, hidden by the shadow of the school.

"So?" I cross my arms, annoyed. "What do you want?"

"We want to know what your relationship with Tsukasa is," Rena states plainly.

I stare at her. "What? What are you talking about? We're just friends." I almost say that to convince myself as well as her.

"I heard someone saw him exiting your house this morning," the blue haired chick remarks, as if she's just exposed my crime. "What kind of "friend" stays over for the night?"

"The normal kind?" I'm starting to feel nervous. If they start spreading rumors about me and Kazuki it's bound to cause him trouble. I need to clear this up here and now, before anything can start. Which means going to drastic measures. "Seriously, who do you think I am? Do you really think someone like Kazuki would ever go for someone like me?"



I sigh. They didn't even think about that, huh?

"For one thing, he's only interested in girls," Rena informs me smugly. I bite back the truth, knowing it'll only make this a hundred times worse. "So I'm not saying he likes you, weirdo. I'm saying you can't just brush off a hot guy like that, and say you're friends. Which means you're using him!"

"W-whaaa...?" I blink. "Using him? For what?"

"Popularity," blue hair snaps. "Obviously."

"Uh huh." Honestly I'm relieved. I was worried they were going to think Kazuki and I are dating, or at least interested in each other, but this is a much better outcome. If I can just convince them I'm not using him, then I can get out of this Scott free.

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