Part 3

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"Are you going to mope here the rest of your life?" Kiki pokes me in the cheek with its star tipped wand. "Come on! This is so boring!"

"You've deprived me of everything I know and care about," I murmur listlessly. "How can I find love in anything anymore?"

"Geh—" Kiki frowns. "This wasn't the plan at all."

"Right!" An idea strikes me like a bolt of lightning and I sit up on the couch. "It must be so boring you want to leave and turn everything back to the way it was before!"

"No, not quite that boring," it hums to itself. "After all, the day is still young and you're out of food, meaning you'll have to leave the house eventually."

"What?" I blink in confusion. "I'm not out of food."

"You are if your parents took everything with them," it cackles. "You don't want to starve, do you?"

I run to the fridge, hoping to see at least an instant ramen, but it's completely empty inside. I hear Kiki laughing from the living room and grit my teeth in anger. I bet the second I step outside I'll be met with some pretty girl with pink hair who wants to do it with me. I shudder at the thought. No thank you.

Well, a trip to the nearest convenience store can't be too bad, right? As long as I run, I'm sure I won't have some awkward time with a girl.

"Fine," I growl, and Kiki does a flip in the air, flying over to my side. "I'll go outside. But don't expect any romance."

I'm going to bore you so much you have to leave and make everything go back to normal! That's my plan and I'm sticking to it! Until it gives me back everything it's taken from me, I won't have a single romantic interaction!
This won't be a romantic thriller for it to enjoy. This is my romantic killer!

Romantic Killer But I Made It GayWhere stories live. Discover now