Part 18

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"Delicious...Nutritious...Cauliflower pudding..."

My eyes fly open and I jolt up in bed, scrambling to turn off my alarm. I tried to change it last night but now every alarm on my phone is the same damn cauliflower pudding ad. I feel like throwing up. What a wonderful way to start the morning.

Wait...Was that all a dream? I knew it! No way would life be crazy enough to make me stay with Kazuki for a month. Kiki probably used magic to make me dream that crazy dream just to scare me. That seems like something it'd do.

Humming, I slide out of bed, running a hand through my hair to try and straighten it out, failing spectacularly, then start downstairs. Suddenly I hear the sound of sizzling and jump the last four stairs, rushing into the kitchen to save whatever I left on last night from burning more than it already has, but instead seeing Kazuki standing in front of the stove, cooking the beginnings of a perfect rolled omelet.

He looks up as I enter the room, serious as always. "You're finally up."

Nope. Not a dream. I forgot, Kiki's more than evil, it's a demon.

"G-Good morning," I greet him meekly, slumping against the doorframe.

"Morning." He surveys me, then concludes, "You've got quite the bed head."

"Yeah, nice to see you too."

"Sorry," he quickly amends. "That was rude."

"No, I'm just grouchy in the morning," I sigh, walking to the table and settling down in my seat. "What are you making?"

"Lunch." When I light up he adds, "I did promise you. Breakfast is ready too, if you want some."

"Really?" I get up and join him in the kitchen, where I see two plates of fried rice steaming hot and ready for us. "Wow, you're a great cook." I grab one of the plates and carry out back to the table, adding, "And an early riser. Do you always get up this early?"

"It's not that I'm early, it's that you're a slouch," he informs me, not looking up from the egg.

"Ouch," I murmur, stuffing my mouth full of fried rice before I can butcher another conversation with him. He does seem like the type to get up early, since he's mister perfect, but he was really exhausted last night, so it surprises me he's up at all today. He cleaned his flooded room the best he could, washed all his clothes at the laundromat, and worked until late, and now he's here making lunch for us. I could never work that hard.

I sigh as I take another bite of breakfast. How am I ever going to survive at a job? Emi's right; I'm a useless idiot, and I'm not afraid to admit that either.

"Is it okay?" Kazuki finishes up the rolled omelet and cuts it into pieces to fit in our lunches.

"Yeah. I couldn't make something like this in a million years."

He sighs. "If you bet on years like that you'll find yourself dead soon." He rummages through his bag, then asks, "Where are my gym clothes?"

"Mmh—oh, they're still drying," I answer around a mouthful of rice.

"I'll go get them." He sets his lunchbox on the table and starts toward the laundry room. "Can you put my lunch in my bag for me?"


Although I'm worried about what Kiki has planned, I can't help but enjoy this life. I get free breakfast and lunch, and I get to live with the hottest guy in school. More than that, I get to be friends with the hottest guy in school. And, to top it off, that demon didn't show up yesterday and it's keeping its streak going today, which I'm loving.

"Good morning!"

I choke on my rice, swinging a fist in the direction of the squeaky voice. Crap. I jinxed myself again.

Kiki dodges and flies around me to grab a piece of onion from the fried rice, popping it in its mouth. "Absolutely delicious! You really are living the life, with free food and an always accessible love interest!"

"Shut it, demon!" I try to grab it but it flies out of my reach. "I feel terrible for Kazuki! He has to be a maid for me since you ruined his life!"

It turns slowly, smirking with one eyebrow raised. "Well isn't that ironic? You say you hate what I've done and yet here you are, chowing down on your maid's meals. You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

I laugh haughtily, trying not to see the logic in that. "Just so you know, Kazuki has no interest in dating, and he won't for a while. You might've changed his sexuality, but that doesn't mean he'll want to date me! Looks like you picked the wrong guy!"

Kiki throws it's wand like a javelin, but I hit it out of the air and stomp on it. Unfortunately, it doesn't break as I intended. What is this thing made out of?

"Romance is all about falling in love unexpectedly!" Kiki rubs up against my face, making loud purring noises. "This is your reality! Now face and accept it!"

"Hah," I scoff. "He still doesn't know I'm gay, and as long as it stays that way, there's no chance at a relationship between us! You've lost, little egg bastard! Face that and accept it!"

Kiki presses its forehead against mine and we have a staring contest until the doorbell rings, making me blink. Kiki follows me to the door, and I press the receiver, calling, "One sec." Then I turn to the egg and warn it, "I'm not done with you yet, so don't disappear into a hidy hole of some kind."

"Got it." It mock salutes me and I sigh, peering at the tiny screen on the receiver. On it is the upper half of a body, wearing the same school uniform as I am. But who is it? I don't know anyone that ripped. A fellow classmate? Someone in another class? But why are they here?

I open the door, and a tall boy with close cropped brown hair and dark gray eyes stands in front of me, smiling.

"Yo." He raises a hand in greeting, and I stare at him. I've never seen this man in my life. I wrack my memories for any time I've met him or passed him by, but nothing comes up.

"Ah...hi?" I reply, confused.

He laughs lightly, ruffling my hair. He's a good half a foot taller than me, with a strong build and a dependable smile. "You didn't sleep in, I'm surprised! You ready to go?"

Who is this tall, handsome man? And why is he coming to get me before school? And why is he ruffling my hair like we're childhood friends!?

"Do I know you?" I ask, and he laughs openly.
"Come on, silly, wake up already. You wouldn't forget your childhood friend, right?"

Romantic Killer But I Made It GayWhere stories live. Discover now