Part 80

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I shovel breakfast into my mouth as Junta watches me nervously and Kazuki sighs.

"We don't have anything to do," he reminds me tiredly. "You can slow down."

"I have to–" I gulp down my current mouthful sadly as I remember I can't get sushi anymore. Usually I run to the nearest convenience store in the mornings on breaks so I can get the sushi fresh from the shelves before it gets old and before all the good rolls are taken. But because of Kiki I can't do that anymore. I'm sushiless and left with nothing to do because of that little demon.

"Have to what?" Kazuki presses.

"Nothing." I set down my spoon just as the doorbell rings.

Junta mirrors my moment and gets up, calling back as he walks away, "I'll get it."

"Thanks." Kazuki calmly goes back to eating.

"If it's Kiki or Koi you can just slam the door in their face," I flatly advise Junta, who laughs nervously.

"Don't be like that, Haru..." He disappears around the corner and I hear the door creak open.

"Junta! Hiiiii!"

"Slam it!" I yell, jumping to my feet, but the door closes gently and before I can do anything Kiki dances into the room, grinning. Junta follows her with a guilty expression, like a puppy that peed on the rug.

"Haru! How are you? I haven't seen you in a while," Kiki greets me happily, jumping to hug me. I sidestep her and she faceplates onto the floor, arms out. It's a beautiful sight.

"I was doing great until you came over," I inform her crossly. "Who invited you, anyway?"

"I invited myself!" She pops off the floor and jumps to her feet.

"That's the problem," I grumble, but she ignores me.

"It's summertime! And you know what that means: summer festivals! There's one tonight and we're all going!"

I settle back down in my seat and pick up my spoon like nothing happened. "I'm not going if there's no sushi."

"I don't like crowds," Kazuki agrees, taking another bite. I smile to myself. Kiki can't control minds, so she can't convince us to go, no matter what she does. And this time I'm not being bribed by sushi. Oh, right, I haven't cashed in my two free sushi trips. I've been saving them for some special time so I don't want to use them too hastily. 

"I want to go!" Junta cries, his eyes sparkling. "Are you really sure you don't want to come, Haru? Kazuki?"

"Ah..." I try not to glance into his shining eyes but they pull me in until I can't look away. Kazuki looks equally uncomfortable with our glowing friend staring him down.

Remembering Junta's team lost at regionals, I feel kind of guilty turning him down. He probably wants something fun to do to get his mind off it. I set down my food and smile at him. "Alright, I'll come. Kazuki, do you—"

"You two go." He takes a calm bite, chews, swallows, then nods to me. "Have fun."

Oh crap, if he doesn't come I'll be all alone with Junta at a festival. Or, even worse, with Junta and Kiki. No way she won't set something up, even though I'm pretty sure he won't make a move on his own, not after what he said at the reunion. I have to convince Kazuki to come somehow, or I'll be in danger.

"I..." I scramble for a lie, then blurt, "I think you're spending all your time at home or at work. I worry, okay?"

"Come on," Junta supports me, putting his hands together. "Please! Just this once! I want to enjoy a festival with my friends."

Kazuki thinks for a moment before begrudgingly nodding. "Let's go, then."

"Yay!" Kiki cheers, jumping a good three feet onto the air, fist up. "Let's all go and wear Yukatas!"

"Yukatas?" I groan. "That sounds like a pain. I'm just going in my normal clothes, right, guys?" I look to Junta for confirmation but his eyes are shining even more than before.

"I want to wear a Yukata!" he whispers excitedly and Kiki grins at him.

"That's the spirit! Let's invite Emi too! Then we'll have the whole gang together!"

"Please don't call us a gang," I mutter, but, as usual, Kiki ignores me.

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