Part 103

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And so the days pass. Things are stressed between me and Junta, as well as between Tsukasa and him. It feels like there's a thin layer of sugar over our household, one that could break at any minute. Neither Kiki nor Koi have shown up in the past few days, which I'm glad about. I don't think I can handle seeing their stupid face after they made me do that.

I descend the stairs, yawning, stopping when I hear talking in Tsukasa's room. My tired mind from the long day doesn't register that I probably shouldn't eavesdrop and I silently walk back up, listening.

"Listen, we've got to change something," Tsukasa's voice says tiredly. "This is stressing all of us out, especially Haru. He feels terrible about what he did, you know. He just wants us to be happy in what little time we have left."

"I know," Junta whimpers. "Maybe I should just move out now. We've only got a few more days before I have to leave; I..."

"That would only make things worse. No way."

"Then what do you suggest I do?"

Tsukasa is silent.


"There's no easy fix for this. I just want what's best for Haru."

"I do too!" I hear Junta getting to his feet. "I still want him to be happy! I don't hate him or anything! He's still my best friend! I just...I don't know if he feels the same way."

"I'm sure he does."

"Right. You know him so well."

"You've been friends for much longer."

Junta sighs sadly. "Actually, those are all implanted memories."

"What?" Tsukasa stands as well. "What are you...? Wait, it was that wizard, wasn't it?" Junta's silent, but I guess he nods because Tsukasa continues, "That little bastard. I should get Haru to summon it so I can...I don't know."

"You don't have to get violent for me." I can hear the sad smile in Junta's voice. "I still treasure those memories, even if they're fake. I...I know that sounds stupid—"

"No, I get it." Tsukasa huffs, a smile in his voice as well. "Any time with him is precious, right?"

Junta's silent for a few seconds. "I—I'm glad he's with you."

"Ah—We're not with each other...yet."

I flush, covering my mouth. Yet? What does that mean?

"You should make it official already. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. If there's anyone I want him to be with, it's you."

I hear footsteps as Tsukasa walks toward the door. "We should all talk. I think we need it."

I jump back, rushing into my room and jumping onto my bed, grabbing a book from my shelf and flipping to a random page. As Tsukasa walks in I realize it's upside down and drop it before he can notice.

"H-Hey." I try not to breathe heavily. "What's up?"

"We need to talk. All three of us."

I try to guess what my reaction would be if I wasn't listening in, like a normal person. "That...doesn't sound good. Last time we all talked seriously didn't go so well."

He frowns. "That's why we need to do this: to fix everything that happened."

"Can it be fixed, just like that?" I get off the bed and follow him downstairs, to where Junta's waiting in the living room.

"Let's see." Tsukasa closes the door behind us and I settle down in the chair while he sits next to Junta on the couch and we...sit in silence.

After a few seconds I cough awkwardly, not wanting to be the first to talk but also not wanting the silence to go on forever. "I don't know where to start."

"Yeah." Junta avoids my eyes, just as he's been doing for the past three days.

"I can be a moderator for you two," Tsukasa suggests seriously.

I glance at Junta, who looks up and nods. I relay that to Tsukasa and he takes a deep breath, sighing it out.

"We should start by airing out any underlying feelings we have." When we're silent his expression becomes slightly awkward. "Ah...maybe I should start. Um..."

"No," I interrupt, finding my bravery somewhere deep inside me. "I'll go." I turn to Junta, looking him dead in the eyes, so steadily he can't turn away. "Listen, you probably already know this, but I didn't want to hurt you and I definitely don't hate you. I'd be happy to be your friend, if you want that. But if that's too much, I—"

"What?" he yelps, staring at me. "Of course not! I want to be friends with you, too, Haru! I just want whatever can keep me by your side. Ah...even though I'm leaving, I still want to be by your side...if that makes sense."

I nod. "Don't think you leaving is going to mean we're leaving each other. You bet your ass I'm calling at least every week. And we'll visit, of course, on breaks and stuff."
His eyes fill with tears and he quickly wipes them away with a sleeve. "Thanks. I-I'll visit too."

We turn to Tsukasa, who smiles. "I'm glad. It's not like this fixes everything, but I think it's best if we're clear with each other."

"G-Great!" Junta jumps to his feet and scrambles for the door. "Now that that's done, I'll be going to bed! I'm sure you guys have a lot to talk about!" He directs the last statement at Tsukasa, who nods.

"Good night."

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