Part 27

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Without her magic, Kiki's helpless as I drag her to the entranceway and point to her shoes.


"Yes, sir," she sobs overdramatically.

I exit the house, holding her wand up in the air like a trophy. She follows behind me, sobbing quietly.

"Haruuuuu! Give me my wand baaaaack!"

"Not in a million years." I grab both ends of it and smack it onto my knee, but it doesn't break and only gives me a sore knee. I expected that, since it didn't break when I stepped on it, but I'm still disappointed. Oh, how much easier this would be if Kiki couldn't use her magic. But no, of course not. It's always the hard way with her.


"Maybe I'll stick it in a blender and see if it breaks," I murmur, absentmindedly spinning it in the air.

"You're so meeeeean!" Kiki cries.

"Hey, here's an easy fix!" I turn around, dangling the wand in front of her.

"W-What?" she sniffles.

"Go back to your world!" I beam sarcastically at her. "After you beg on your hands and knees, of course."

She huffs, turning away. "I can always order another one online. This isn't a problem."

"Seriously?" I toss the wand in the air, reaching up to catch it. "You can order these online? I wonder if I can look up how to break one then...?"

"Aha! You let your guard down!" She lunges at me but I have to wait for the wand to fall back down to my hand so I sidestep her, reaching up as high as I can. The moment it lands in my hand she jumps, reaching for it, but I pull it up out of her reach. I feel the cold material slip out from behind my fingers as Kiki squeaks in horror and it flies through the air to land in...a pile of poop.

"Nooooo!" Kiki rushes over, pulling out a handkerchief and frantically trying to wipe off her dirty wand. It's turned a strange green color much more sickly than its original vibrant yellow. I wait until Kiki gives up and comes stumbling back to me, her lower lip shaking.

"Once the wand's magic is soiled, it has to be cleansed for it to work again! You've ruined me!" she sobs, hitting my chest. I grin.

"Oh no. What a disaster."

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