73 - Genuine Reactions

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My sincerest of apologies for my recent absence everyone! I've been working on another Xingyun fic (for real this time lmao) and I'm currently working on finished the last chapter and proofreading the whole thing.

I'll publish a oneshot that's sorta centered around the theme or prompt of the fic when I'm done with it, so if you read my oneshot book updates you'll know when I've uploaded the first chapter :)

Other than that, I'm going to put a message on my message board too so if you follow me you'll be updated as well

Thank you for being patient, and I hope you enjoy! <3


"C'mon, just one bite? You don't even have to eat the whole thing!" Xingqiu pleads with the boy across from him.

"Xingqiu, I can't eat that! It's way too spicy for me!" Chongyun shakes his head vehemently. He scoots back a bit in his chair until he hits the backrest, flushing when Xingqiu pouts and puffs up his cheeks.

"Please? Just one bite Yu?" He makes his voice higher and holds out his chopsticks.

Chongyun knew that Xingqiu knows exactly what he's doing with using his little childhood nickname for him and looking at him like that. It always made Chongyun cave in the end no matter what, but this time he tries to stick to his guns and refuse his adamant attempts.

"I'm sorry, but I'm gonna overheat if I eat it. Those noodles are always stuffed with jueyun chili, and I don't care if you get them for yourself, but it would be careless for me to try it." He waves his hand to try and deter him before he mutters, "especially if I end up causing a scene..."

"But Yu, I didn't order them with jueyun chili. Weren't you paying attention when we were ordering our food? I asked for just the noodles with the jueyun chili in a separate dish." Xingqiu insists, before leaning a bit over the table.

He lowers his voice and softened his gaze, resting his head on his free hand so his cheek squishes against his open palm and his navy nail polish is visible. "And besides, I'd be so sad if you didn't try it. Pleeeease?" He draws out the syllables and looks at him expectantly.

Chongyun eyes the side dish of jueyun chili and the bare noodles Xingqiu has on his chopsticks skeptically before he sighs heavily and leans forward on the table, opening his mouth.

"You'll try it?" Xingqiu lights up, looking at him with hidden excitement.

Chongyun nods, sitting as close to the table edge as possible. "Yeah..."

Xingqiu jumps a bit in his seat and feeds him the noodles, holding a hand underneath so he doesn't make a mess.

Chongyun blushes, his face now a cherry red as he chews thoughtfully and swallows.

"Sooo?" Xingqiu hums.

"It's...it's okay." He blushes harder, looking down at his own noodles.

"That's most certainly a lie! I'm positive that you love it!" Xingqiu accuses, taking a bite of his own food.

"Maybe." Chongyun says quietly, although he's no longer looking at the food. "Maybe I do."


"What a nice little outing that was, yes?" Xingqiu asks him as they walk on the outskirts of the city while the sun sets.

"It was good. I wouldn't mind going with you again." Chongyun nods.

"Well that's a relief. Because I've been meaning to ask you something all afternoon." Xingqiu says, brushing his hand against Chongyun's.

"Wh-what's that?" He asks, his face getting all prickly.

"Chongyun, are you in love with me?"

Chongyun stops and looks at Xingqiu as if he were asking him the most unusual question - because, well, he was.

"Do I...huh?" He cheeks flare red.

He notices Xingqiu's hand brushing his again, but it's growing more and more obvious that Xingqiu has specific intentions when he holds one of his fingers loosely.

"There's no need to repeat myself. I'm quite positive you heard me."

Chongyun knows there's no use in playing dumb, this is Xingqiu after all. He just prays there a chance that he can get through this without making it worse.

"Of course I do. Why..." he swallows hard, not realizing how difficult it has become. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I thought it might be true. And I wanted to know why."

Xingqiu manages to take hold of his other hand and keep him grounded in the conversation, looking at him seriously.

Chongyun knows that he's not very good at figuring out most people's intentions, but he always knows what Xingqiu specifically is thinking. And right now, he was more than surprised to see that he was nervously anticipating his answer.

"You want to know why I love you?" Chongyun repeats.

Xingqiu huffs a little and his cheeks redden, so much so to the point Chongyun thinks he's growing embarrassed. "Yes! I need to know why you - how you feel this way about me." He states breathlessly.

Chongyun's hands go limp in his, and Xingqiu quickly looks surprised at his actions. "Are you mad that I like you? Like...like this?"

"What? No! Look, I'm sorry, I should have explained this better, but don't take it that way, okay?" He tightens his hold on Chongyun's hands. The look in his eyes is one Chongyun only ever sees him use in a teasing way, but this time it was anything but.

He looks desperate. And Chongyun assumes it's for his full attention to listen to him.

"I'm not angry at you for liking me. Not even a little bit. I just...I want to know why you do. Because for once, I think I don't understand. Especially how you can feel the same way." He blushes, finally breaking eye contact with him and looking at his shoes.

Chongyun acknowledges that the air is getting colder from the night drawing close, and he steps the tiniest bit closer to Xingqiu so he can warm up.


He flushes at his name being called but reluctantly nods his head.

Chongyun intertwines their fingers and squeezes their palms together, looking at him sternly.

"I love you because you understand me. I love you because your eyes are this melty yellow-orange color, especially when they hit the sun. I love you because you support my goals. I love you because you're adorable. And I love you because, well, you're you."

Xingqiu burns scarlet and falls against his shoulder, whining when he does. "Chongyun, you have no right being this cute without my permission."

Chongyun leans his head against Xingqiu's and blushes a bit, thankful Xingqiu can't see it.

"Love you too."


Last year I pulled on Itto's banner so I could get Gorou, and I was at 50 pity so I was like 'there's no way I'm gonna lose my guaranteed'

I lost my guaranteed that I was gonna use for Klee. And Qiqi came home instead.

I'm praying that I can win the 50/50 this year because I've wanted Klee ever since I started playing and so I can put her on a team with my Albedo 😭

Written: June 25th, 2023

Finished/Published: June 30, 2023

(Word Count: 1,198)

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