6 - "Haircut"

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Early in the afternoon, Chongyun had come up to the mountains to visit his aunt for training. Shenhe didn't care for or deal well with social interaction, so anytime Chongyun wanted to see her, she requested he come to her rather than vice versa.

Chongyun personally didn't mind the walk, as it gave him time to enjoy the scenery along the way and think of new things to tell his aunt, but that also meant he had the time to think about how Xingqiu would be brought up in the conversation.

Because no matter what, Xingqiu always came up.

Turning a corner, Chongyun recognized the familiar, white, braided hair with a hair tie that held a cryo vision.

It was none other than his long lost relative herself, Shenhe.

"Good morning, Auntie. Are you ready to train today?" He asked, taking a seat on the cliff next to her, warry of how he sat.

"You're late. Was there trouble?" Shenhe asked, ignoring his previous question.

"O-oh, there wasn't any trouble. I ran into Xingqiu on the way here, and he needed my assistance hiding from his parents."

"Why?" Shenhe frowned.

Chongyun sighed, "Xingqiu has a very... unique haircut, and his parents said he had to get it evened out, as I was told. But Xingqiu doesn't want to get a new haircut, so he asked me to aid him in finding a way out of it."

Shenhe furrowed her brows in annoyance. "How did he get such a haircut? Isn't he apart of the Feiyun Commerce Guild?"

"It's a long story..." Chongyun explained.

"We have time. I don't particularly have any place to be, unless you want to start training right now."

"Well then, I can tell you. It started back when we were younger..."


"Chongyun! Look what I found!" Xingqiu yelled as he left his house, waving a pair of scissors haphazardly in the air.

"Xingqiu, what are we going to do with those?" Chongyun asked nervously, standing up from the doorstep.

"Hmm...Oh! We could play hairdresser!" Xingqiu grinned.

"What's that?"

"It's where we pretend to be hair-stylists! You wanna play?"

"I don't wanna cut my hair...My mom will get really mad at me if I do, and yours might too." Chongyun said, covering his hair with his hands.

"That's okay, I can just cut my own hair then. And my mom said I need to get a haircut anyways, so now I won't have to!" Xingqiu said excitedly.

"Okay, where are we gonna do it?"

Xingqiu pulled the other boy inside his house by his small hand, running up the stairs and into the bathroom to lock the door behind them.

"Let's play it in here!" Xingqiu declared.

He pulled up a stool in front of the bathroom mirror and stood up on it to see himself in the mirror while Chongyun watched as he ate a popsicle.

Not even a minute later, the previously even-haired boy started snipping away, cutting uneven chunks of his hair and talking to himself and Chongyun like he was a hairdresser.

When he was done, he set the pair of adult scissors next to the sink and beamed at himself in the mirror, excited to see his work.

Instead, he was met with a horrified look from his reflection and a view of his new "haircut".

Immediately, he started whimpering and sat down on the stool, hugging his knees to his chest while he started loudly crying.

Panicked, Chongyun kneeled next to him on the floor and desperately tried to console the other boy.

He didn't want any of Xingqiu's housekeepers demanding they open the door and finding Xingqiu a hot mess with random strands and pieces of his hair all over the floor, so he tried to think of how to make him stop crying.

"Xingqiu, it's fine. Your hair looks okay." Chongyun tried.

"R-really?" Xingqiu sniffled.

"Yeah, it looks like..." he stopped to think for a moment. "You look like a character from one of your stories that you read to me!"

Xingqiu looked up at him and wiped his eyes and nose with his sleeve. "Really?"

"Yeah, you remind me of the main characters! They always have unique hairstyles and wanna fight evil, just like you!"

Xingqiu sniffled again and smiled before peering into the mirror again, this time with confidence.

"You're right, Chongyun. I actually quite like it. Thank you." Xingqiu put the stool away and hugged his friend before the two looked down at the mess they had made.

"We should clean this up before your parents get home." Chongyun whispered.

"You're probably right."


"In the end, his parents found out about it, and he begged them to let him keep it that way. So ever since we were younger, he's had the same uneven hairstyle. Partially because of me." He added.

Shenhe nodded as Chongyun concluded the story. "I see. But now they want him to have an even haircut?"


"Understandable. Do you know where your friend is? I must visit him at once."

"Auntie Shenhe, Xingqiu's not my friend, he's my- wait, what are going to do?"

Shenhe was already gone, and Chongyun heaved a heavy sigh and took off.

"I guess I should have expected this..."


Fun fact, I wrote this before I got my own haircut

Also, thank you guys for 200 reads!!! I'm glad you're enjoying these so far, so ofc I'm gonna keep writing em' 👍

Written: Mar. 14, 2022

Finished/Published: Mar. 18, 2022

(Word Count: 923)

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