86 - Kiss Me

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It was one of the cooler days in Liyue, which was always something Chongyun was grateful for. Xingqiu, on the other hand, didn't care for the colder temperatures, but had agreed to Chongyun's request to go out for some training nonetheless.

Presently, they were taking a break, laying in the grass while chilly winds blow in the autumn air.

Xingqiu has his head laid in the crook of his arm, cuddled up tight because of the cold. His eyes are closed, and he appears to be sleeping, so Chongyun takes the time to scoot a little closer til they're bumping elbows.

Not often was Xingqiu sitting still and quiet unless he was reading, so this was truly a sight for him. Not to mention his eyelashes falling against his skin and his hair slipping to cover much of his face made him look even more peaceful, and Chongyun blushes a little while he looks at him.

"Pretty." He mumbles, tucking Xingqiu's hair behind his ear to which he gently adjusts himself in his sleep.

Or what he thought was him sleeping, anyway.

He was pretty close at this point, so when Xingqiu peeks an eye open and looks at him in amusement Chongyun jumps back a little in shock.

Xingqiu giggles at his response, making Chongyun quickly go scarlet, while he closes his eyes again and lays his head on his arm. "You may as well kiss me while you're at it YunYun~"

"Wh-wha-" Chongyun sputters, quickly tugging at his sweatshirt because of the hot feeling rising in his body.

Xingqiu laughs again and swings his legs back and forth, a grin quickly spreading on his face. "I'm curious if that's what you would've done had I not 'woken up'-" he voice gaining more and more of that playful tone it always does. "Am I incorrect?"

"Y-yes, you are. I would never kiss you without your approval first." He blushes hard.

Xingqiu's smile falters a little to allow his cheeks to get ever so slightly pink, because he knew he was a sucker for Chongyun being a gentleman. "Well I'm giving you my permission to do so right now. And there's no one here to see it, so it's not a matter of my family status, either."

"Now I know you're just teasing me," He huffs, a tight grip still on his hoodie. "and I'm not falling for it this time Xingqiu."

He stumbles to his feet and dusts himself off, clearly flustered and a little ticked off as evident by how he pouts and his hands are tensed into little fists.

Xingqiu thinks it cute when he tries to be angry.

He sighs before goes to stand as well, giving him puppy eyes and tipping his head to the side. "So we're gonna leave with no kiss?"

Chongyun turns to narrow his eyes at him, and with a cute, frustrated mumble he goes, "Where do you want it?"

"Where do I want the kiss?" Xingqiu repeats, his words almost getting caught in his throat and embarrassment rising in his tone. He honestly didn't think Chongyun would agree to do it.

"I uh, well-"

"Here," Chongyun sighs a little in exasperation and steps close to Xingqiu - too close - and picks up his hand for balance.

Xingqiu can hardly process what's happening because it's all so fast, but before he knows it, Chongyun gives him three delicate kisses to his cheek, his nose, and his lips. The second he pulls his lips away, Xingqiu moves towards him a little bit before he catches himself, realizing that no, actually, he can't just try to kiss him like they're boyfriends.

"Was that good?" Chongyun asks, dropping his hand slowly and looking everywhere but at Xingqiu. "I've never kissed anyone before, so..."

Xingqiu can hear his heart pound loudly in his ears at the realization that they were each other's first kiss. "It was great. You needn't doubt yourself." He decides on quietly.

"Th-thanks...we should probably get going now..."


They both hear back to the Harbor while trying to make idle talk, ignoring the awkwardness between them.

They both hoped that they'd be able to confess and move on from the awkwardness, but it was clear that there was a long way to go.


Praying that Xingqiu is on one of the banners in 4.1 because I want to get him C6 (he's C3 at the moment). All of the constellations I've gotten for him are from events or the shop because I haven't been able to get him again on a banner since I first got him on Kokomi's first banner 🥲

Written: September 12, 2023

Finished/Published: September 15, 2023

(Word Count: 785)

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