63 - "Friends"

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Chongyun would not be the first to admit that yes, he could be very oblivious. But to his and Xingqiu's current relationship he was no fool: this was complicated as hell and definitely not just being "friends".

Every time he heard Xingqiu label them both as such, he wanted to correct him and tell him they're something more, like boyfriends or something, but he always felt too nervous to do so.

On one unusually hot day in Liyue Harbor, he and Xingqiu were walking around before leaving the city, to which Xingqiu took up his hand and they took a walk for a bit.

"Why'd you start holding my hand?" Chongyun asked him.

"Just because. We do it all the time since we're close friends, yes? Is something wrong?" Xingqiu questioned him.

"Well yeah, holding hands is something couples do."

"Hand holding isn't reserved for couples only! Imagine we're walking down somewhere steep. It's be nice to hold my hand for support, yes? And what about small children? They hold hands all the time for no reason." Xingqiu reasoned with him.

Chongyun sighed in defeat, not knowing how to argue with his logic.

"One of these times," he thought, "I'll get him."


At the end of the day when they started walking home, they finally arrived at Chongyun's house to say goodbye.

"Farewell, my liege. I'll see you tomorrow, yes?" Xingqiu smiled at him.

"Mmhmm. For those leads I found." He nodded in affirmation.

"Splendid! I'll see you later then."

Before leaving, he kissed Chongyun on the cheek goodbye, but not before being pulled back by his sleeve.

"Why'd you just kiss me?" Chongyun asked him.

"As a goodbye, of course." Xingqiu stated bluntly.

"But kissing isn't something normal friends do." Chongyun pushed, his body temperature rising higher.

"What is it you're implying, Chongyun? You've clearly been trying to get at something all day."

While his cheeks grew red hot, Chongyun pushed open his front door and drug Xingqiu inside, to which the other boy was certainly surprised but not objecting to.

Chongyun quickly pulled him to his room and closed his bedroom door before pinning him against it. "What are we?"

"...friends. We're friends, no?" Xingqiu asked in a small voice.

"The stuff that we do isn't stuff that friends do! Xiangling has told me that all of this teasing and...flirting you do with me isn't friend behavior. It seems more like you like me." Chongyun finally told him, though it did nothing to calm his Yang energy down.

"Like I...like you?" Xingqiu repeated. "Like how?"

At this point Chongyun felt like he'd hit his limit at being vague, and like his emotions are, his words were being further swayed by his condition.

He grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled his closer to him. "Like you want to kiss me or something! Not on the cheek, not on my hand, on my lips." He gasped in exasperation as his stomach stirred with the familiar hot feeling.

Xingqiu blinked at him in surprise before he looked away best he could in his current position. "I guess I can't lie about it anymore then, huh?"

Chongyun looked at him, confused. "Lie about what?"

"About...the fact that I like you. I didn't want to ruin anything we had, but soon enough I started doing all of that stupid couple stuff with you, and I-"

"It's not stupid." Chongyun cut him off.

"Yes it is." Xingqiu mumbled, his face getting pink.

"It's not."

"Why don't you think it is? It just created a mess..."

"Because I like it, and I like when you do it. But I want it to be from you as my boyfriend, not my friend."

Xingqiu's face burned crimson at his words. "You want me to be your boyfriend?"

Chongyun nodded hurriedly. "Yes."

"Well then, I guess I can give you that kiss you so desire." Xingqiu smirked, lifting his chin with his index finger.

Without hesitation, he kissed him, and suddenly all the complicated feelings melted away.

Because now they were not just "friends", but finally more than that.


I got Ayaka on her banner a few weeks ago and was really worried I wouldn't win my 50/50 for Nahida but she came home yesterday and I am very happy now

She and Wanderer are on a team together, they are finally reunited 😭

+ I'm working on re-building Chongyun and putting together a team for him it's a lot of fun

Written: March 15, 2023

Finished/Published: April 13, 2023

(Word Count: 763)

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