48 - Pocky

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First oneshot of 2023 👍

"Oh Chongyun~!"

A looming cloud of dread quickly finds its way above Chongyun's head, and he can't help but feel that whatever Xingqiu has in store for him this time is going to be interesting in a bad way.

"I've brought you a treat!" He says cheerfully, making his way before the exorcist before pouting. "What's the matter? You don't seem particularly happy today, my liege."

"It's nothing, go ahead." Chongyun reassures him. It's better to try and figure out what Xingqiu has in store for him before he knows that Chongyun knows something's amiss.

"If you say so. Anyways, I ran into the likes of the Traveler earlier, and they gave me this." Xingqiu says while presenting him with a red box.

It's small in size and has the word Pocky spelt out in white letters on the front, and the top is opened so Chongyun can see the snack inside it.

"It's called Pocky, and supposedly there's a game you can play with it too!" Xingqiu smiles, raising his eyebrows.

"There it is." Chongyun's thinks dismally. Whatever this game was, he wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

Xingqiu takes one of the sticks out of the box and keeps up his poker face, making Chongyun all the more nervous. He delicately places the end between his lips and holds up the middle with his finger.

"To start, do what I'm doing at your end." He explains.

Hesitantly, Chongyun does as Xingqiu tells him to and copies Xingqiu.

"Now, we both keep biting off a piece of the candy until someone quits."

"What kind of game is this?" Chongyun asks him while trying to mask the nervousness in his voice.

"A fun one, I believe. You're not scared, are you Yun?" Xingqiu asks him innocently.

Chongyun knows it's a facade, but it doesn't help to ease his nerves while he musters up a reply. Paired with the nickname he's reserved for teasing him ever since they were little, he wasn't sure this could end well for him. "Of course not."

"Good! I'll go first then." Xingqiu declares, biting off a sizable peace of the candy, growing closer to Chongyun.

Feeling his heart rate pick up, Chongyun takes a smaller bite and doesn't miss how Xingqiu looks on in amusement before taking another big bite.

There's little space between them now, and Chongyun feels a growing tension when he takes another small bite.

This time though, his upper lips brushes against Xingqiu's and he pulls away out of shock.

Xingqiu chews and swallows his candy before taking out another stick. "I thought you weren't scared, Yun."

"I-I'm not." Chongyun says before he realizes how unreassuring it sounds out loud.

"You aren't? Then maybe we'll play for higher stakes this time, hmm?" Xingqiu leans forward to gently tap his nose, and the growing Cheshire grin on his face is all the more evident as their "hang out" draws on.

"Higher stakes? What do you want?" Chongyun asks him in exasperation.

Xingqiu sets them back to their starting position, and they both have an end of the candy in their mouth. "I want you to win. That's all."

"That's all?"

Xingqiu gives no reply and only takes a bite of the candy, letting Chongyun go for his turn.

Now determined and unknowingly intrigued by Xingqiu's little game, he takes a bigger bite than he had before and Xingqiu's notably impressed.

They proceed their slow back and forth until they're nearly kissing again, and just as Xingqiu goes to take a bite, it breaks.

"What a shame. One more go?" He asks him, already knowing Chongyun's response. At this point, he'd gotten him so invested that of course he'd say yes, regardless of if he wants to play this strange game with him or not.


And so again do they quietly take turns shortening the candy until their lips are almost brushing and Chongyun feels like he's going to explode if they don't get this over with.

They're caught in this position for what feels like forever while Xingqiu waits for an agonizingly long time to take his turn, and Chongyun doesn't even know if he wants Xingqiu to back out or keep going.

Yes, there's a high possibility that he'd loose if Xingqiu continues with his turn, he can't help but feel sad when he thinks of an opportunity like this slipping away.

His crush on the other boy wasn't helping his mixed emotions, and his rising temperature was only making things worse.

At last, there's a subtle crunch as Xingqiu takes his final bite, and their lips are together, and there's nothing in the way anymore.

"What do we do now?" Chongyun whispers against his lips, the feeling funny and bizarre to him.

"We keep going until someone backs down." Xingqiu states agin, shrugging his shoulders as if he wasn't kissing his best friend right now.

"But...there's no more candy."

"If you want to back out, go ahead my liege."

Chongyun knows now that there's no other options for him, and even if Xingqiu isn't directly stating it, his only option at winning this is to kiss him even more, however that's possible.

Luckily or unluckily for him, his Yang energy has hit a high, and if he doesn't get rid of it he's going to overheat. Rather than quit though, his subconscious had other plans for him.

He rushes his hands to either side of Xingqiu's face and leans in to kiss him for real, and the craziest part isn't that he feels himself calming down.

It's that Xingqiu kisses him back too.

He can feel Xingqiu lean forward to kiss him as well as one of his hands creeps up the back of his neck to brush through his hair, and while at first he tenses at his cold hand he relaxes and gets lost in the moment.

"Well played, Chongyun." Xingqiu sighs. "I'll let you have this victory. You've earned it."

Chongyun's so focused that he almost doesn't feel Xingqiu pull away at first until he opens his eyes and sees the hydro user pull his arm back and sit and short distance from him like before.

Tidily, he closes the candy box and stands up, brushing off his overcoat as if there was something dirtying it. "We can talk about this later, if you'd like. For now though, I have other matters to attend to, I'm afraid."

Before Chongyun can get a word out, he's gone, and he's stuck breathing heavily with his eyes closed while he calms himself down.

He most certainly would talk to Xingqiu about it later, but for  now though, he needs a popsicle or two.


Xingqiu ducks around the corner and walks through the streets of Liyue until he's sure he's far enough away that he can have his full gay panic.

Sliding down against a back wall, he covers his face and can't stop the burning blush that's taken place or the anxious butterfly feeling in his stomach.

"Does he like me too? Or was he just playing along for the game? Gah, I'm such an idiot!" He smacks the sides of his face before remembering the feeling of Chongyun's hands in the same place.

He lowers them and hugs his legs to his chest, burying his face and letting his hair cover his eyes.

"What was I thinking?"


This turned out way better than I thought it would omg

Written: January 4, 2023

Finished/Published: January 5, 2023

(Word Count: 1,259)

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