49 - Words

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After a long day of commissions, Chongyun's body temperature had gone up significantly, and he was extremely tired.

Knowing this, Xingqiu offered to let him sleep at his house since they were closer to his place, and Chongyun had taken him up on the offer.

Fast forward to the present where they're both in Xingqiu's bed, Chongyun fast asleep while Xingqiu's wide awake.

He couldn't fall asleep no matter how he slept, and he didn't want to turn on the light just so he could read himself to sleep and risk waking up Chongyun. It was bad for his eyes, anyways.

Instead he just lay there, a soft blush coating his face whenever he thought about the fact that Chongyun was mere millimeters from him.

Sitting up carefully, he leans against the wall and runs a hand through Chongyun's hair, pleasantly surprised at its softness.

"You look so comfy. Too bad I can't sleep." Xingqiu laughs quietly to himself before the blush takes over again.

He sighs, knowing Chongyun would never hear the words he was about to say. "Why am I so in love with you?"

"I don't know. You are?"

Taken aback at Chongyun's response, Xingqiu draws his hand back. "No. Of course not. You're my friend."

Chongyun sits up to tiredly study Xingqiu's face in the dark. "Why'd you say you love me then?"

Xingqiu couldn't come up with an answer - he knows there's only one correct one, the truth."Because...I do." He admits in defeat.

Chongyun pats him on the back before leaning against his chest. "Then it's a good thing I do too."


Xingqiu quickly sits up breathing harshly and an untamable blush on his face, looking over at the sleeping boy next to him.

"That was all just a dream." He realizes before feeling a little sad at this fact.

"Hey Chongyun?" He whispers.

No reply.

"I'm so in love with you."

Again, no reply.

Xingqiu shakes his head at his own antics - what was he expecting, anyways?

He turns over to lay back down, unaware of the small smile Chongyun had on.

He just might just have to bring it up in the morning.


Hi guys! I just wanted to let you know that I released chapter one of a Renga book (How to Tell Your Best Friends They're in Love with each Other (Renga)) so if you like that ship, I highly recommend going over to read it :)

Written: January 10, 2023

Finished/Published: January 10, 2023

(Word Count: 419)

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