3 - Opposite Affection

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Chongyun was waiting under the shade of one of the trees in his and Xingqiu's usual training spot to keep out of the heat.

He was resting his eyes and enjoying one of his popsicles when he felt the weight of another person slump against his shoulder.

He turned his gaze to see Xingqiu there, hugging his knees to his chest as tears silently rolled down his cheeks.

"X-Xingqiu? What's wrong?" The cryo user asked worriedly, turning his body to fully look at him and still let him lay on his shoulder.

Xingqiu sniffled and took a moment to calm himself down before speaking. "I'm sorry my liege. I've just had quite the troublesome day."

Chongyun lifted Xingqiu's face to meet amber eyes with ice-blue ones.

"Please tell me Qiu. I want to help you feel better."

Xingqiu sniffled again before signing deeply. "I have a lot of responsibilities as the second son of the Feiyun Commerse Guild, and I'm expected to achieve many things. But, it's been getting harder to manage how I have to act around them, and when I can act normally."

Another tear rolled down his cheek as he fell against the other's chest.

Chongyun held onto him, thinking of what to do next.

"What does Xingqiu usually do when I'm sad?" He thought to himself.

"Usually he'd hug me, or kiss me, or give me some form of affection... I don't really do that given I'm not very good at it, but right now..."

He gently pulled Xingqiu away from him, and Xingqiu looked up at him in surprise.

Without words, Chongyun wipes away the tear stains on his face, and left a kiss after each one.

"I'm not very good at expressing affection to you Xingqiu, but you always do it to me when I'm upset, so I thought you'd like it done to you." He told him quietly.

Xingqiu smiled through the light tears in his eyes, and nodded.

"It does make me feel better, thank you Yun."

The cryo boy understood that it was having the correct affect, seeing how just the few kisses had made Xingqiu smile.

So he continued to pepper the other with soft lips and words of encouragement until the other was laughing and grinning wildly.

"Okay okay, that's enough!" Xingqiu laughed before receiving one final kiss on his lips.

"Do you feel better now?" The light-blue haired boy asked.

Xingqiu responded by giving him a long hug and nodding into his shoulder.



I like the idea of their roles being reversed sometimes and Chongyun being the more affectionate one, and this was the only situation I could come up with (just short of having him overheat)

I hope you enjoyed!

Started: Mar. 06, 2022

Finished/Published: Mar. 08, 2022

Revised: Mar. 24, 2022

(Word Count: 473)

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