65 - Like-Like You

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Xingqiu had been dealing with strong feelings towards his best friend, and he didn't know how to handle them.

He'd never exactly liked someone in this way - whatever this way was.

He guesses, he'd never liked someone in the way that you always feel good when you're with them, but you wish you could hold their hand and kiss them and tell them you love them.

That was how he felt around Chongyun, and every time he so much as talked to the other boy, he felt like he wanted to spill the contents of his heart before him, to allow him to sift through it and see if he'd be able to, well...accept it.

After a couple months, the feeling only got stronger, and it felt harder and harder to keep it away from him.

So he didn't.

One day, he'd requested to meet Chongyun out somewhere quiet, somewhere away from the city of people, so that if Chongyun reacted adversely, he at least could rely on the fact that only the two of them heard it.

"You wanted to meet with me?" Chongyun commented, arriving at the date and time Xingqiu had requested with a popsicle inches from his mouth.

"Yes, I did." Xingqiu replied, patting the ground next to him, inviting Chongyun to take a seat. "I had a secret that I wish to divulge to you."

Chongyun looked at him curiously, no doubt his interest piqued. "A secret?"

"Mmhmm." He blushed, looking off away from him. "It's kind of - no, it is - embarrassing for me to say out loud."

"What is it?" Chongyun asked genuinely.


Xingqiu stared at his shoes and squeezed his eyes shut. "I like you." He mumbled.

"Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

Xingqiu raised his head a little, and it was obvious to Chongyun that his face was deeply flushed. "I like you."

Chongyun looked at him oddly before biting into his popsicle. "I like you too? Why is...that a secret?"

Xingqiu shook his head vehemently at his response. "No, I don't mean-" he sighed at the misunderstanding, looking Chongyun in the eyes with discomfort from his embarrassment. "I like-like you, Chongyun. 'Like' as in I have a...a crush on you. I don't know why exactly, but I just find you so pretty, and captivating, and I couldn't keep it a secret any longer!"

After expressing unto him his feelings, Xingqiu quickly looked back at his shoes, his face burning far hotter than it ever had before.

"This is so embarrassing!" He thought to himself. "What's gotten into me? Normally I'd be able to handle such situations with poise. It would never get to me like this! Maybe this is what liking someone does to you..."


Xingqiu's drastic train of thought is quickly stopped by his companion next to him making a noise he rarely heard from him.

It was usually music to his ears, but right now, it couldn't be further from that.

What was it again?

Oh yeah.


Chongyun struggled to contain his laughter while Xingqiu felt his skin get all prickly and hot with that feeling you get when you're severely embarrassed.

"Wh-why are you laughing?" Xingqiu asked him, raising his head to face him, to let him know he was not happy. "I've just told you an incredibly sincere secret of mine. This isn't an appropriate response."

"I'm not laughing at your expense." Chongyun reassured him, stifling his laughter. "I'm laughing cause I never see you like this."

Xingqiu flushed harder (if that was even possible), and quirked his head at him. "Like what?"


The short word would have sounded so normal from anyone else's mouth, but coming from Chongyun's, it made Xingqiu's condition worse.
Oh, so much worse.

"I? Flustered?" He asked back. "That's all I could possibly expect from myself in this situation!"

"N-no no, its fine!"

Chongyun put his hand over his delicately, moving Xingqiu to look at him closer.

"I think it's, y'know. Cute."

"You think it's...what?"

"I-I think it's cute, okay? Ugh, now you're making me flustered!" Chongyun covered his mouth with his hand.

"Just evening the score." He grinned. "But, just out of curiosity, how do you feel about me...liking you? Is it weird?"

"No. The opposite, actually." Chongyun said, clasping his hand tighter with his. "I'm relieved you feel the same way. Actually, I was gonna tell you soon, but you beat me to it."

"Wait, I could have gotten a confession straight from you?" Xingqiu looked at him in disbelief. "I should have waited! I would have loved to get a confession from you! YunYun all flustered and such!" Xingqiu crossed his arms with a pout.

"Well, I could still confess to you if want me to. I was gonna ask if you were free for dinner on Wednesday night." Chongyun offered.

Xingqiu smiled and fully tucked his hand in his. "Consider my presence for certain."


Xingqiu completely flustered over Chongyun is one of my favorite dynamics for these two lmao

Btw I have 20 pulls saved for Baizhu and Kaveh I need to save like crazy-

Written: April 21st, 2023

Finished/Published: April 22nd, 2023

(Word Count: 874)

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