89 - Crush

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As soon as those amber eyes peer over the edge of the book to give him a mischievous look paired with an grin, Chongyun feels his stomach do something it never has before.

It feels like he's free-falling through the air, causing his heart to leap up into his throat and bring red to his cheeks, and looking Xingqiu in the eyes suddenly becomes difficult and he has to look away.

Xingqiu laughs at his little display of embarrassment, but his laughter only makes the free-falling feeling worse. Now there are butterflies wracking his insides and begging to be let out, and Chongyun audibly takes a deep breath because he's suddenly finding it hard to breath.

"What's the matter? Are you not enjoying the book so far?" Xingqiu purses his lips and clicks his tongue, drumming his delicately trimmed nails against the spine of the book he's holding. "That's odd, you usually like story time."

"I-it's not that I don't like it-" Chongyun instinctively makes eye contact with him for a mere second before they dart away and hide, looking down at the hem of his shorts instead while his face blazes hot. "I just feel really warm right now."

"How come?" Xingqiu asks before Chongyun notices him sitting up a little in excitement, no doubt getting ideas for more teasings while he carefully sets his book down. "Ooooh, could it be that you like someone, by chance?"

"Huh?" Chongyun has no choice but to look at him now. "How did you know?"

"I didn't, it was a mere guess and a chance to see how you'd react." Xingqiu shrugs. He moves to place his head in his hands, his cheeks squishing against his palms with a smug little grin while Chongyun internally curses for falling into Xingqiu's trap. "Who is it though, I wonder?"

"I-I don't wanna tell you right now!" Chongyun shakes his head. That familiar feeling of uncomfortable warmth is overstaying it's welcome, and Xingqiu's mere presence is making it so, so much worse.

"That's fine, I respect that." Xingqiu tips his head forward a little bit, but keeps up his smug look while his eyes lock on Chongyun's under his bangs, the streaks of orange and yellow glowing from the dimming sunlight. "But if you wouldn't mind, I think I'd like to help my dear best friend in his endeavors."

"How so?" Chongyun asks cautiously, tugging at his hoodie while his blush diminishes color.

"By helping you confess of course!" Xingqiu giggles, tapping Chongyun on the nose and failing to see the disastrous effect it has on Chongyun when he gasps a little and his heart beats faster.

"In fact, I have just the thing! Nothing gets the point across like a well crafted and smartly written love letter!" Xingqiu declares, a steady blush flushing his cheeks at the though of getting to help write something. "All those feelings poured out into ink, decorating the pages in a beautiful manner while they get the message across with ease, and-!"

"Okay okay, I get it!" Chongyun raises his voice and covers his face, bending over to face the ground.

'This is humiliating! I can't imagine what Xingqiu's going to think when he finds out I like him!' He thinks miserably before he's quickly interrupted.

He feels Xingqiu's hands cover his own, his fingertips resting in the gaps between Chongyun's fingers and gently pulling them off his face to lace them completely while Chongyun silently looks up at him in embarrassment.

"Having a crush is perfectly fine, there's no need to worry." He gives him a tiny smile so his perfect lips curve up on his perfect skin right below his perfect eyes. "-And especially around me. I won't make fun of you for it, as that wouldn't be very nice of me, now would it? You can't help how you feel."

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