9 - Migraine

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Xingqiu continued to gently press his forehead throughout the meeting, hoping his actions weren't see as too suspicious or weird by their guest.

Xingqiu, his older brother, and his father were all in a meeting with one of his father's clients, but Xingqiu had come down with a downright terrible migraine shortly before and was therefore dying to leave.

Fortunately, his older brother seemed to catch onto his signals for help, and he motioned to their father to speak.

"Xingqiu and I are going out to get more tea, we'll be back momentarily." He spoke as he waited for their father's response.

"Alright, be back soon. We wouldn't want our guest here going thirsty."

"Thank you, father. We shall."

Xingqiu's older brother waited for Xingqiu to bid a temporary farewell to their guest before he followed him outside to the front steps of the building, where he immediately sat down and tried desperately to massage his temples.

"What's wrong, Xingqiu? Are you nervous because of dad's client? I'll admit, he is rather intimidating. But don't tell him I said that." His brother grinned, sitting down next to him and dropping his previously formal composure.

"No, dealing with any sort of guest or client dad brings is no trouble at all. I have a migraine that won't seem to dissipate." He explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I can get you out of the meeting since you're only watching anyways, but unfortunately I can't take you home since I have to be an active participant. Do you know anyone who could?"

Xingqiu looked up from his knees and studied his surroundings with blurry vision.

"Actually, Chongyun usually comes around these parts for a break from his training. He may be around here somewhere..."

Xingqiu's brother wracked his brain for a 'Chongyun' before recognizing the name from more than one occasion.

"Ah, you mean that blue haired lad that always comes by to ask for you? I do recall hearing about him from you on a number of occasions."

"Yes, that would be him." Xingqiu affirmed, his head back in his lap.

"Seems we've come to a solution. I'll go see if I can't fetch your boyfriend, and you just sit here for now, alright?"

His brother stood up to leave, but stopped short when he felt a tug at his hand.

"A-actually, he's not my boyfriend." The younger spoke in embarrassment.

"Though I wish he was..."

"He isn't? Why, with all the rather endearing compliments and loving nicknames you give him, I assumed he was. Anywho, I'll be right back."

"If they're not dating, then surely he harbors feelings for him. Xingqiu doesn't act that way around anyone else, let alone talk about them in such a manner." Xingqiu's brother thought to himself as he walked off.

Xingqiu kept himself busy by trying to rid his head of the searing pain but to no avail. The nausea that came with the migraine was getting unbearable, and Xingqiu didn't know how much longer he could last before his body would be expelling the contents of his stomach onto the pavement.

Thankfully it wasn't long before his brother returned with his dear companion, the two talking about things Xingqiu couldn't focus on.

All he caught was their conversation stopping abruptly and the sound of rushing footsteps as someone came to sit right before him.

Xingqiu recognized the familiar gloved hands as they gently lifted his face and swept his hands away, cold blue eyes laced with concern staring back at his now flushed face.

"Xingqiu? What happened? Are you ill? You look pained and your face is getting redder." The cryo boy spoke, expressing his concern for the other.

"He's not sick, simply has a migraine. Though that in itself is quite painful. If you can, Chongyun, I need you to bring Xingqiu back to our house so he can rest. Normally I would bring him, but I must continue a meeting with my father and his client. Speaking of which, I think I've expended my time here. Take care of him for the time being, okay?" Xingqiu's brother explained.

"Of course. I'll do what I can."

The eldest expressed his gratitude before heading back inside, leaving the two boys to themselves.

"Can you stand?" Chongyun's asked him quietly.

Xingqiu shakily set his hands out on the steps and tried to lift himself up before quickly sitting back down and covering his mouth.

"N-no, I'm afraid not. I'm far too dizzy and nauseous to do so. My apologies."

"Don't apologize, I can carry you back."

"You don't need to do that-"

"Xingqiu, I train with a claymore everyday. I can handle it."

Defeated, Xingqiu allowed the other to carry him on his back, crossing his arms over the other's chest.

"You can rest for now Xingqiu. Your body needs as much recovery as it can get." Chongyun told the hydro user.

Xingqiu sighed and placed his head in the crook of the other's neck and resting his eyes, mumbling a 'thank you' that only the other could hear.

"No problem. Now rest up, I'll let you know when we're there."


Once they'd arrived are Xingqiu's house, Chongyun gently shook him awake so he could unlock the door for them.

After doing so, he brought the other up to his room and set him on his bed.

"You can change and get yourself comfortable if you need too. I'll go downstairs quick to get you water."

Once the cryo user left, Xingqiu stumbled to his feet and struggled to undress himself into more comfortable clothing.

He placed himself back on his bed afterwards, pulling a knee up to lean his head against while he waited for the other.

Soon enough, Chongyun returned with a glass of water for the other to drink, setting it on his nightstand and turning the lights off.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked at last, sitting at the edge of the his bed.

"Could you... stay here with me?"


Chongyun turned to get himself a chair before the other spoke up.

"No, I mean... right here."

"In your... bed?"

"Yes, as long as you're not too uncomfortable with it."

His face flushed as he came around to the other side of the bed and made himself comfortable, making sure he was where Xingqiu wanted him.

"How come you wanted me here?" Chongyun asked quietly, emphasizing the last word.

Though his eyes were closed, Xingqiu's features showed that of discomfort, almost embarrassment as his face turned pink (something Chongyun thought was adorable and archons how could he be so cute without trying-).

"Because I li-... want close company."

With his words, Xingqiu's face only grew redder, clearly trying to salvage his words.

Unfortunately for him, Chongyun knew what he was going to say, and he felt the other tuck the hair in his face behind his ear.

"You don't have to explain it. Just get some rest." The cryo boy soothed.

"Thank you, my liege."

"No problem."

The last thing Xingqiu remembered before drifting off to sleep was a pair of lips placing a soft kiss on his forehead, which he took to mean his feelings had been returned.


Started: April 9, 2022

Finished/Published: April 12, 2022

(Word Count: 1,215)

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